Shifters, Beasts, and Monsters
flinched with pain.
    ‘Are you
okay?’ Aylen pulled back the foil survival blanket, and pitied the creature
even more. The male had shown her no mercy as he mated with her. Her shoulders
were livid with purple bruises where he’d pinned her to the ground, and her
thighs were covered in deep scratches where he’d thrust into her. He’d pounced
before he’d become fully human, and his coarse fur must have felt like needles
digging into her skin.
turned to the emergency supply box, searching for something to treat the girl’s
wounds, but the box was worse than useless. Apart from the survival blanket the
box contained just a couple of energy bars, a gallon of water and a basic
Lifesystems mountain first aid kit that lacked even the usual antiseptic wipes.
    Beside her
the wolf girl winced again, and Aylen noticed she’d clamped her hand firmly
between her legs. Aylen gently pulled it away and saw that the girl was red
raw. Her thighs had been scratched, but where the brutish male had entered her
his sharp fur had really done some damage. A few thick,dark hairs were still
stuck like needles in her skin, and the run from the clearing to the high hide
had done nothing to soothe her.
    At the
bottom of the supply box Aylen found a pair of tweezers and a tube of burn gel. Not perfect, but it’ll have to do , she thought. She pulled off her thick
parka, folded it into a pillow and eased the girl down onto it. ‘Lie still,
little one,’ she said. ‘I have to get these out of you.’
    The girl
whimpered quietly as Aylen lay between her legs and began to pluck out the
hairs with the tweezers. With each tug she flinched, choking back tears, and
Aylen lay a hand on her stomach, soothing her with gentle strokes of her belly.
The girl relaxed, and by the time she’d tugged out the final barbed hair she
was quiet.
    The tube of
burn gel was almost frozen. Aylen told herself that if she survived the night
she’d track down the idiot who thought it was a good idea to mount the supply
box on the underside of the high hide, exposed to the elements. The cap wouldn’t
turn. Aylen had to pierce the tube with the sharp tip of the tweezers and the
tube burst, sending a stream of ice cold gel gushing onto the wolf girl’s
stomach. She flinched as the gel hit her, and Aylen had to pin her to the
ground to stop her bolting. The young woman panted in shock, her eyes darting
around the room, instinctively looking for a way out.
    ‘It’s okay,
little one, it’s okay. Hold still, please. This will make you feel better.’ She
reached up to stroke the girl’s hair, calming her. She met her eyes and held
her gaze as she scooped the cold gel from her stomach and onto her thighs. The
girl flinched again, but it only took a few moments for the gel to warm as
Aylen massaged it into her legs.
immediately the Lidocaine in the gel began to take effect. The wolf girl’s
whimpers died down further, and the pained expression left her face. Aylen
could see the relief wash over her and she felt her large, tight muscles relax
under her hands.
    Aylen took
another scoop from the gel on the girl’s stomach and slid it down between her
legs. The lips of her pussy looked sore and scratched, and the girl sighed as
she felt the cooling gel drip onto her. Aylen, still gripping the girl’s
stomach, felt her heart rate quicken through the palm of her hand. As she
massaged the gel gently around the wolf girl’s puffy labia she saw her skin
darken as blood rushed to her lips. The girl’s breaths became shallow, almost
purring, and she gently gripped Aylen’s arm.
    Under her
stroking fingers Aylen felt the heat of the wolf girl’s pussy. The soothing gel
she rubbed into her lips quickly evaporated in the cold air, but she could feel
the girl’s own juices lubricating her as she stroked. Along her slim, lithe
body Aylen saw the girl’s six nipples harden. The nubs on each breast stiffened
and puckered the pink skin surrounding them, while the
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