Boreal and John Grey Season 1

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Book: Boreal and John Grey Season 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chrystalla Thoma
hell. It wasn’t as if she and Simon had anything going on between them, not anymore.
    “No, he wasn’t. He said he had a lot of work at the Bureau.”
    “You know the exact nature of Simon’s job?”
    She nodded, short black hair falling in her eyes. She pushed it back with a manicured hand. “I know what your job entails, agent Benson.”
    “Ella,” Ella said automatically. “You know about...?” She waved her hand in the air.
    “The Shades? Yes.” Sarah looked away, lines forming between her dark brows. “I can hear them.”
    “You’re an oracle.”
    Sarah nodded again.
    “Was that how you and Simon met?”
    “Yes. He came to me, about a month ago, asking if I’d heard anything unusual from beyond.” She smiled a sad smile. “‘Any good stations on the radio?’ he’d asked. Made me laugh.”
    It was Ella’s turn to nod. Sounded like Simon. “And did you?”
    “Did you hear anything unusual?”
     Sarah gave her a steady look. Her red lips pressed together in a stubborn line. “Agent...”
    “Just Ella.”
    “Ella. I told Simon what I heard, and now he’s missing. Being here may not be the best idea you’ve had recently.”
    Half insult, half warning. Ella relaxed. This was more familiar territory. She didn’t want to like this woman. “That’s up to me to decide. So...?”
    Sarah leaned back, one hand clenching against a fashionable red cushion. “As I told Simon, the Voices have gotten very loud of late. Deafening at times. They talk a lot about doors and passages. They never did before.”
    Ella shivered. She glanced at the balcony door, uneasy all of a sudden. “What else?”
    “They talked about John Grey.”
    “Are you sure?” Greary had mentioned that name. She’d thought it an old man’s rambling.
    Sarah frowned. “Of course I’m sure. Are you poking fun?”
    “No. Not at all.” Ella wiped a hand over her face, pinched the bridge of her nose. “This name could be important. Any idea who this man is?”
    Sarah rubbed her hands over her legs, as if cold, and Ella caught the outline of a knife strapped on her thigh. There was more to this woman than met the eye. “I wish I could help you. All I can tell you is that they seem to fear him.”
    Interesting . A king of Shades, perhaps?
    “Listen.” Sarah clasped her hands in her lap. “I don’t know where Simon is. But I’m pretty sure I know who took him.”
    Ella shook her head. “I don’t—”
    “The Shades took him. Whoever this John Grey is, he’s obviously taking control of the Grey, sending his Shades to take over this world.”
     “That’s speculation, unless you heard something more you’re not telling me.” Ella got up, bent her head and took a deep breath. “You know nothing of Simon’s whereabouts last night?”
    “No, and I told the police that already.”
    “Fine.” Ella turned to go.
    “Agent Benson.”
    “Be careful. If they got Simon, they may be coming for you next.”
    She thought of the Shades ambushing her outside the institution. Maybe they already had.


    Finding a parking spot downtown was a bitch, as expected, and when she thought her mood couldn’t get any fouler, the officer at the door inspected her badge with a lifted brow and took his time doing so. What was it with new officers today?
    She resisted the urge to tap her foot while waiting to be let through to the inner sanctum. Finally she was waved in and crossed the small reception area.
    In the holding cage in the corner, someone was curled against the bars. She passed two women and a man filling out complaint forms and tapped on the door to the main office. A middle-aged woman stood by the desk, drinking coffee from a plastic cup. Her uniform was stained and rumpled, and she wore her reading glasses on top of her head.
    She squinted at Ella. “Yes? How can I help you?”
    Ella opened her mouth to speak, when something clicked. Her breath caught. The air swirled in the corner of the room. A
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