Shifters, Beasts, and Monsters
everything she had to offer. It was pure bliss.
the body beneath her tensed. As waves of ecstasy crested and broke within her
body she felt the girl twist beneath her with alarming strength, pushing her to
the side, straddling and mounting her. She only realized this wasn’t part of
the game when she saw the fear in the girl’s eyes. A strong hand clamped over
her mouth, muffling Aylen’s orgasmic panting.
Quiet!’ she whispered harshly. Aylen nodded, her eyes wide with fear.
    The girl
sprang silently to her feet, stalking to the hatch leading to the ground ten
meters beneath them.  She lifted the aluminum hatch, wincing as the hinges squeaked,
and held her ear at the narrow opening. Aylen could hear nothing but the wind,
but the girl shifted her head in small, jerky movements as if trying to locate
the source of a sound. After a few seconds she gently lowered the hatch,
bolting it after her, and turned to Aylen. She placed a finger over her lips,
and beckoned her over to the window.
    Aylen crept
to the observation window and knelt on the padded bench beneath it. Just a few
hours ago she’d sat here with Emily, watching the wolf pack through the
binoculars that still hung from a hook beside the window. Now Emily was gone,
possibly dead, and she peered fearfully through the window at the ground below,
watching for movement and terrified of what would step from the trees.
    And then
she saw them.
    Two men
appeared below the window, walking quickly downhill and following the treeline.
One was tall, the other short, and both were naked and muscular. Even from this
angle she noticed that they didn’t walk like humans. They looked uncertain on
two legs, off balance and clumsy. Their arms swung strangely out of sync with
their steps. If anything they looked weak and helpless, despite the rippling
muscles that slid beneath their glistening skin. They looked as if they could
be bea –
    A deer
suddenly darted from the treeline. Instantly the lead wolf leaped, his powerful
legs springing him through the air. The enormous jump barreled him into the
side of the creature, taking it down with the first blow. The deer scrambled
onto its front legs, desperately fighting to escape, but before it had the
chance to take a single step the wolf wrapped his hands around the head and
twisted, snapping its neck with ease.
    Aylen fell
backwards in shock, reaching out instinctively to steady herself. Her fingers
caught the binocular strap, and she watched in horror as it slid from the hook
and fell towards the aluminum floor. The binoculars seemed to fall in slow
motion, and Aylen had time to imagine what would happen next. The noise would
echo around the mountainside. The wolves would raise their heads quickly from
their still-warm meal. They’d prowl to the bottom of the ladder, slowly,
carefully. They’d be in no rush. They’d know they had their prey surrounded.
They could kill her slowly.
    The girl’s
leg sprang out from beneath her, and her foot kicked out at the binoculars.
With the lightest touch she guided them away from the aluminum floor and onto
the cushioned bench, where they landed without a sound. She turned to Aylen and
raised her finger to her lips. Shhhhhh. 
    Out the
window the men stood from their prize and continued to walk. They hadn’t been
hungry. They’d killed for sport. Aylen heard their laughter as they turned to
leave, and steam rose from the cooling body of the deer.
    She turned
to the wolf girl. ‘Why couldn’t they smell us?’
body,’ she replied, still staring after them. ‘When they wolf, better smell,
better sound. When they human, better see... More cruel.’
    ‘Yes. Wolf
kill for food, for pack.’ She looked sadly at the deer. ‘Human kill for fun.’
    There was
something new about the girl, and it took a moment for Aylen to figure out what
it was.
    ‘Your eyes.
They’re not yellow any more.’ The wolf’s eyes had turned ice blue, and for
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