Sex or Suffer [Dark Colony 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Sex or Suffer [Dark Colony 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Sex or Suffer [Dark Colony 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lara Santiago
Tags: Romance
to one flat nipple as he fucked her.
    “I can’t hold it much longer,” Nathan panted. He slowed his pace and snaked one hand between them. “Let me—”
    “No,” she wailed, “Don’t stop moving!” She was desperate for relief.
    He slowed further and she felt his fingers slide between her legs and graze her clit. The sensation, while nice, wasn’t what she craved. The intense burning increased as he slowed his thrusts. The scorching painful sensation intensified within the wall of her pussy as he slowed to a virtual stop.
    Penelope screeched in pain and lifted her hips to initiate his thrusting again. She slammed down on him and he made an inarticulate noise. She did it again, and he resumed his fevered thrusts. Five strokes later, Penelope found what she sought. Nathan growled and came inside her. The shower of his climax cooled the burning need in Penelope’s body instantly as if a frigid torrential rain filled her body with fresh, cooling relief.
    The red haze of lust lifted immediately and Penelope woke up from the dream she’d been having where she had wild, wicked sex with a stranger while standing in an alleyway.
    Only it wasn’t a dream .
    Completely out of breath, Penelope rested against the heaving chest of a complete stranger whom she’d lured into a sexual conquest in an alley next to her favorite restaurant. Good lord almighty what had she just done? Why had she done it?
    Alice’s agonized face filled her memory and she realized exactly what had happened.
    She was infected with the SOS virus. Oh God. How could that be?
    No time to analyze now because she currently had a stranger’s cock shoved all the way inside her body and delicate explanations would have to be rendered.
    “I’m so sorry you didn’t come.” He panted. His hand slid to her head, and he cupped it gently. He pulled her close as he messaged her scalp. “I can’t believe it. I swear I never do that. I never release without—”
    Penelope broke into his self regret quickly. “Don’t worry. It was great. Just what I needed.” She didn’t have the courage to look in his face, but the first thing she did see at her eye level was the insignia for his ship, the Dalton Prime Corporation, fastened to his flight suit. She recognized the company name. She’d spoken to the logistics point of contact on one of the ships in the company once or twice for deliveries to and from the labs.
    A sob rose inside her. Alice was right about this virus, and Penelope clearly understood her suicidal desire if this was the permanent life she faced.
    Penelope separated herself from Nathan carefully. As his still semi-hard cock slipped from her body, she found she lacked the courage to look him directly in the eyes after what she’d done. Face pointed to the ground, she saw her purse and dinner bag hastily strewn to the side of where they’d copulated against the brick wall.
    A new wave of horror over what she’d just done in the name of relief for her utter agony swept across her conscience. Instinct to flee overwhelmed her and propelled her to action. Penelope bent in half, grabbed only her purse and ran out of the alley without another word.
    Nathan shouted after her, but she was too embarrassed to respond or return. Fearful she would run into another man fitting the attraction criteria, she took the long way. She ducked into the science building using a side access to avoid the main entrance. Even at this late hour there was the possibility of people, especially men, coming in and out. She couldn’t chance running into anyone else. Especially men. Ohmigod. What was she going to do?
    In the short term, she’d have to sequester herself in a containment suit and carry extra oxygen mix tanks to be safe. Pheromones and scent set the virus in motion. Nathan had been the one in four males Penelope was attracted enough to which signaled the virus to attack her system and seek relief.
    The memory of Alice and the last dose of cure being gone
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