Sex or Suffer [Dark Colony 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Sex or Suffer [Dark Colony 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sex or Suffer [Dark Colony 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lara Santiago
Tags: Romance
Penelope pushed him against the brick outer wall and rubbed her body against his. His cock had swelled to an impressive erection.
    “You’re serious? You want to have sex with me? Right here and now in this ally?”
    “Yes.” She dropped her purse and dinner bag next to her feet and started unzipping his flight suit jacket to have easier access to his pants zipper. “I must have you.”
    His focused gaze never left her face. “You know, I hear about this sort of thing from other guys, but it’s never happened to me before.”
    “Well, now you’ll have a tale to tell all your friends. Now please hurry. I’m beginning to ache.”
    “I don’t kiss and tell, sweetheart.” He cupped her head with one hand and pressed his lips to hers for a devouring kiss which only aroused her need further. His tongue licked a leisurely pace inside her mouth, sending her arousal level into the red zone. A seductive kiss, like the lazy one Nathan gifted her with, would usually be appreciated, savored and eventually revered. Currently, it was not either valued or enjoyed. She needed sex. Now. She wasn’t in the mood for any type of slow action.
    Penelope broke away from the scorching kiss. “Kiss or tell or not. Whatever.” She didn’t want to kiss. She didn’t want to take time from her primary goal, but when he connected to her mouth again, she didn’t stop him. Instead, she used the distraction to prepare the scene for what she really wanted. Sex. She widened her legs and rubbed her clit against his cock. He moaned into her mouth clinched her tighter.
    The motion and subsequent stimulation of her clitoris didn’t result in the typical satisfying pleasure build up as she’d expected. It only increased the ache in her core. No meager satisfaction leading to climbing desire, but instead a pervasive itch flamed inside her pussy to an uncomfortable, and fast becoming unbearable, level. She needed him to fuck her. She literally burned with the desire to fornicate.
    She pulled out of his embrace without stopping the kiss, promptly freed his cock from his loosened trousers and flipped her skirt up to pull her panties down to her thighs. Scissoring her knees against each other her panties were soon discarded on the ground between her feet. Penelope pressed Nathan harder against the brick wall and prepared to mount him.
    He broke the kiss when her intentions became obvious. “Wait, don’t you want—”
    Penelope couldn’t wait. She couldn’t stop. She grabbed his cock and placed it between her aching pussy lips so she could find relief from the burning aching need to copulate. “Can’t wait.” His cock, directed by her eager fingers, slid inside her body an inch, and with the immediate promise of delicious relief, she sighed.
    “Ohmigod, you’re so big,” she murmured.
    Nathan grabbed her hips, keeping her from impaling herself further on his ready staff. She pulled at his hands, breaking his hold and sank down fully onto his cock with one swift thrust. Another intense wave of relief came briefly once she felt him completely seated, but the urge to move became paramount in the next second.
    She squeezed her vaginal walls against his delectable intrusion, and he groaned in response. “Jesus. You’re so tight. I don’t want to hurt—”
    “Not hurt. Want. Need you. Please.” Penelope couldn’t even form complete sentences she wanted him so much. She retreated only to slam on to his cock again. The next thrust came from him. This time he gripped her hips and pushed inside her again deeply.
    “That’s so good. Don’t stop. Oh God. Please don’t stop!” Penelope held fast to his shoulders as he pumped his cock in and out of her body.
    This was the best sex Penelope had ever experienced. Wild. Ferocious. Phenomenal. The only sound she heard was their grunting and panting which only fueled her insatiable desire. The scent of his skin overwhelmed her with need. She buried her face against his chest and fastened her mouth
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