See How She Runs

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Book: See How She Runs Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michelle Graves
Tags: Urban Fantasy, psychic, guardian, seer, the chronicles of izzy
beginning to think the Kennan I knew was
some kind of imaginary person.
    “NO WAY am I staying in here while you use
the bathroom! NO WAY! I will go willingly with you back to the car,
I will play nice. But I refuse to watch you pee!”
    “Then turn around. No one said you had to
watch me. But if you want to peak Lass, go right ahead,” he said as
he unzipped his pants and I quickly turned away.
    Did he seriously just call me "Lass?" I was
still trying to get my mind to catch back up to everything that had
happened in the last however many days it had been that I didn’t
really know how to react to anything. As strange as it seemed, I
didn’t feel like I was in danger with Kennan. I didn’t know if I
had developed Stockholm syndrome from living with him for so long,
or if my instincts were broken. Either way, I was just going to go
with it and see where it led me. He flushed the toilet and reached
past me to unlock the stall.
    “It’s all put away, Iz. No need to fear
now,” he snickered as he headed to the sinks to wash his hands. I
followed like a deranged lap dog. Where else was I going to go,
    “Hey, are you hungry?” he asked as we headed
out into the truck stop. Still, no one noticed us walking out of
the women’s bathroom together.
    “Kind of,” I replied, deciding to be sullen
and keep all of my answers as short as possible.
    That just caused him to drag me throughout
the store, loading up my arms like we were two besties on a road
trip. We headed to the check out counter, and the cashier finally
noticed us.
    “Oh, I did not notice you guys come in at
all,” she said as if she had just snapped out of a daze. She rang
us up and told us to have a nice night then we headed back out to
the vehicle.
    We were riding in an old Jeep Cherokee, I
realized. Not for the first time I was trying to figure out where
in the world Kennan came by a vehicle. I climbed in and decided to
keep my trap shut for a while. Suddenly, I started to feel queasy
and my head began to throb, as if someone was reaching in and
pulling the thoughts from my head.
    I must have made some sort of noise, because
Kennan looked over at me quickly with a look of someone battling
themselves in his eyes. He reached for the towel again. I tried to
reach for the door to leave, but my head hurt so badly I couldn’t
do anything. He slowly placed the towel over my mouth, cursing in
some foreign language and then there was nothing.
    I awakened again, slumped over in the front
seat. At least this time I was not restrained. We were bumping
along on some sort of gravel road in what appeared to be the middle
of nowhere. I realized my head no longer felt as though someone was
trying to pry my brain out. As I woke up a little more, I started
to realize I once again really had to pee. Half of me was afraid to
tell Kennan, and the other half just really wanted to relieve my
bladder of its current agony. I started to talk but my voice was
    “I really have to go to the bathroom,” I
said, sounding as pitiful as I was afraid I might be.
    To my surprise, he just stopped the car in
the middle of whatever could be road we were driving down. He
pulled out a roll of toilet paper from a bag in the back and handed
it to me. I looked down at it like it held the answers to the
mysteries of the universe.
    “I thought you had to pee. Or are you afraid
to go in the woods by yourself. I can come with you if you really
need me to hold your hand,” he said gruffly and without a hint of
his usual humor.
    “No, that is fine. I will just go park it
behind some tree in the middle of woods while it rains. Sounds like
a great plan to me.” I sounded snarky even to my own ears, but I
was irritated beyond belief. I had been kidnapped by my only
friend. I had been taken to God knows where. And I didn’t know what
in the hell was going on.
    I climbed out of the car and headed to the
nearest tree. I had to pee so badly I just ignored the
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