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Author: Unknown
raised expressively. ‘It’s Gammy’s pride and joy, but I’m sure you won’t be interested.’
    ‘On the contrary, I’d be delighted. I miss a garden, living in a flat. I remember when I was a boy my mother gave me my own little patch. I was so proud of the first flowers I grew. I don’t think anything compares with the first time you do something, whether it's the first flowers you’ve grown; the first time you’re allowed out alone; your first kiss; the first time you fall in love.’
    He watched closely for her reaction. Taryn felt sure he was trying to find out more about her affair with Mark. Why else would he reminisce like this? Men weren’t usually so nostalgic.
    She smiled briefly and pushed herself up from the chair. If he thought she was going to make any comment he would be disappointed.
    Outside she felt easier. In the tiny room his presence had been overpowering, but now she breathed in the warm June air and relaxed. ‘There’s not much to see.’ She sounded apologetic as he followed her along the narrow path between two strips of smooth green lawn.
    But the profusion of colour here was a pleasure to the most unappreciative eye. It was a typical cottage garden—flowers of every sort vying with each other for attention. They passed between clumps of hollyhocks, where the bees were busy at work; giant sunflowers nodded their heads in greeting; the humble marigold encroached across the path defying to be overlooked; lupins, delphiniums, pyrethrums, all mingled happily together. Occasionally Luke would stop and bend his head to appreciate the particular scent of one flower.
    If she had not been sure before Taryn could be now that this man was not Mark. She could never imagine Mark actually enjoying the sounds and smells of a country garden. His work was his life and nothing had ever been allowed to interrupt it—until the coming of Maria! The only flowers in which he was interested were orchids or other exotic blooms with which to enhance his creations.
    She had not realised she was staring until Luke spoke. ‘Is something the matter? You’re looking at me very strangely. Don’t say you’re still comparing me with Mark?’
    He was so near to the truth that Taryn flushed, but she was spared the humility of answering by a tiny voice calling from behind the fuchsia hedge.
    ‘Aunty Taryn, Aunty Taryn! Guess what we did at school! I ' Rory stopped when he saw she was not alone. He looked questioningly at Luke before breaking out into a grin. ‘You’re the helicopter man! ’ and then accusingly to Taryn, ‘You didn’t tell me you knew him. Why did you say I couldn’t go for a ride?’
    Feeling Luke's swift glance in her direction, Taryn spoke softly to the boy. ‘Because I know what’s best for you. Mr Major hasn’t time to take little boys for joy-rides.’
    ‘Let me answer that one for myself,’ interrupted her companion. ‘I said I’d give you a ride and so I will.’
    ‘Gee, thanks, Mr Major.’ Rory hopped up and down excitedly, while looking hopefully at Taryn from beneath fair lashes.
    She turned her attention to Luke. ‘He didn’t know you,’ she protested. ‘He should have known better than to talk to strangers.’
    ‘But he’s not a stranger any more, so it’s all right now, isn’t it, Aunty Taryn?’ Rory tugged her hand impatiently.
    As usual Luke appeared amused by her indecision.
    ‘I suppose so,’ she said reluctantly, if Mr Major’s sure^ it’s no trouble.’
    ‘Mr Major’s quite sure,’ mimicked Luke softly. He held out his hand. ‘Come along, young man. There’s no time like the present.’
    Readily Rory slipped his hand into Luke’s.
    ‘I think you ought to ask your mother first,’ suggested Taryn. ‘Your dinner must be nearly ready.’
    ‘Take me to her,’ commanded Luke with a smile, 'I'll ask the good lady myself,’ and then in a conspiratorial whisper to Rory, 'I’m sure she won’t say no to me.’
    Taryn watched them go, man and boy,
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