See How She Runs

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Book: See How She Runs Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michelle Graves
Tags: Urban Fantasy, psychic, guardian, seer, the chronicles of izzy
favorite cases. I was lost in my own thoughts imagining
what it must be like to revere the earth as the Native American’s
did, when a hand tapped my shoulder. I knew that feeling. I felt it
just yesterday. A heady mix of fear and anticipation assaulted me,
like I was about to plunge down the first hill on a rollercoaster.
I turned already knowing who the hand belonged to.
    “Hello,” he said in his deep baritone. “I
don’t know if you remember me, but we met yesterday. You delivered
some stuff to my office.”
    I knew full well who he was, but I feigned
ignorance and stared blankly. After a moment I responded.
    “Oh yeah, you are the guy from the top floor
of that huge building." Clearly, this was not the response he was
expecting. He scowled for a moment before plastering what was meant
to be a convincing smile on his face.
    “Well, if that is all that made an
impression on you, I will have to try harder for next time. Say, do
you have any dinner plans this evening?” he asked, raking his eyes
from my head down to my toes.
    I mean, I was not dressed to impress here.
Besides, I seriously did not appreciate being ogled by mister split
personalities. I didn’t even get a chance to form a response before
I heard Kennan approach and answer for me.
    “She already has dinner plans. Furthermore
she has no interest in developing any association with you,” he
said with barely contained menace. There was something strange
about his voice, something almost foreign. I turned to make sure it
was really Kennan. And were those tattoos that I just saw?
    “Well, I think we should let the lady decide
whether or not she would like to dine with me, don’t you?" Mister
fancy pants was nonplussed by my suddenly overbearing roomie. I
decided to intervene before they proceeded to pee all over the
ancient artifacts.
    “I appreciate the offer sir, but I don’t
interact socially with clients." I smiled at him with the most
genuine, sweet-tea, southern smile I could muster.
    “That truly is a shame, my dear." He said it
as a threat.
    I grabbed Kennan’s hand and jerked him out
of the museum before he burnt the whole thing to the ground just to
bury the man inside. I didn’t speak to him the entire way back to
the house. I was so confused about what had really just happened. I
felt like they had been talking a whole different language with
subtext I could not even begin to decipher. I was kind of pissed
off that Kennan would step in and speak for me as if I did not have
the right to choose my own suitors. Not that I would have gone out
with Mr. Xander, but I would like the choice. The worst of it was
that I felt like I did not know my roommate and best friend at

    When we got to the house, Kennan paid the
cab driver and we headed inside. As soon as I came inside he closed
and locked the door. He turned to me with a wild look in his eyes
and then just let me have it.
    “What in the hell do you think you are doing
talking to him, Iz? Do you even know who that was? No, you don’t do
you? How could you possibly know? You don’t know anything. Listen
to me carefully. You need to head upstairs and pack a bag. Fill it
with everything you need. We are going away for a little while.” He
said it with that strange accent he used back at the museum. It was
almost Irish or Scottish but older somehow.
    I stood there gaping at him, and then all
hell broke loose inside of me. I was tired of feeling like I was
not a player in my own life. I felt as if I had steam slowly
building inside with no release. Between the dreams, Kennan being
all crazy for the past few months, and the events of yesterday and
today, I had had enough.
    “What in the hell do you mean we are going
away for a little while? I am not going anywhere with you. I don’t
know what it is you think is going on, or who you think you are to
tell me what I can and can’t do. You are sorely mistaken sir. You
are not my keeper, nor are you my parent. So
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