See How She Runs
just back the hell
    He quietly walked into the kitchen and came
back. He had something in his hand, maybe a towel. He grabbed me so
quickly I did not even see him move then pressed the towel over my
mouth. As I started to lose consciousness I heard him whisper, “I
am so sorry, Iz."
    Then it was oblivion.
    I awakened slowly to the feeling that I was
not standing still anymore. Realization slowly started to sink in.
I looked around me and noticed that I was in the back of an old SUV
of some sort. My mouth felt like it has been stuffed with cotton
and my hands and feet were tied down to something. I started to
panic, and as soon as the scream bellowed up in my throat, I saw a
hand reach out from the front seat with the towel of doom. This
time, there was no apology.
    I came to again, and before the towel could
descend upon me with its nocturnal powers, I screamed. I saw Kennan
jerk with surprise from the driver’s seat. He glanced over his
shoulder at me. I didn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me
cry. Instead, I started in on calling his mother some rather
unsavory and unladylike names. Then I told him where he could go,
and what kind of monster I really thought he was. I think I also
suggested he perform some anatomically impossible tasks.
    He listened with that eerie calm he got
sometimes. He waited until I had gotten it all out of my system
before saying anything.
    “Are you finished? If so, I will pull over
at the next truck stop and untie you so that you can use the
restroom. Before you get any ideas, I am going in there with you.
There is no escaping me now. Trust me when I say this, I will find
you Izzy and I will drag you back. Always. However, if you behave
and act normally, I won’t tie you up when we get back in the
    So these were my choices. Be an amiable
hostage to my suddenly psychopathic roommate or have him hunt me
down like a dog when I slipped the leash. Neither one seemed like a
great choice. I could fight, but I knew I would lose to him. I
could run, but I was pretty sure he would still catch me. Plus, my
arms were really starting to hurt from being tied in this position.
If he was going to murder me, he would have already done it by
    “Fine, but you are so not coming in the
stall with me,” I said as he started to exit whatever road we had
been traveling down.
    I thought I saw a glimmer of old humor in
his eyes, but I was too mad to really give a damn. As we pulled
into the truck stop, I noticed that the area looked nothing like
home. The sun looked like it is about to set, which did not make
much sense. I refused to ask him any questions though, and in all
honesty, my bladder was about to burst.
    He parked us in a remote part of the lot,
and climbed over the front seats to the back where I was tied down.
As he reached for the ropes with a knife, I automatically flinched.
His face fell a little, but he quickly put on a blank expression,
and cut me free while mumbling something about not hurting me. He
opened the door and helped me out of the vehicle. He reached down
to ensnare my hand with an iron grip, thwarting any brilliant
escape plans I might have been hatching. He headed directly back
towards the bathrooms and walked in with me like it is no big deal.
No one seemed to notice either.
    “I was serious about you not coming into the
stall with me. There aren’t any windows for me to scurry out of. So
you can release my hand."
    Reluctantly, he let me go. I took my time
going until he piped up about coming in after me. It was not like I
was used to having to go with an audience. I came out, and hurried
to wash my hands before he grabbed them again. As soon as I was
done, he pulled me into the handicapped stall with him.
    “What are you doing?” I demanded as he
locked the door behind me.
    “Well, I have to go. And since I don’t want
you running off, I want you right where I can see you,” he said in
that same accent. I was
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