Seducing Charlotte
your involvement. You are clearly a man who takes what he wants.”
    She must be referring again to the kiss. He cleared his throat. “Miss Livingston, I feel I must apologize for last evening.”
    Her face squinted. “I beg your pardon?”
    “I took liberties with your person. I do hope you will accept my most sincere apology.”
    Comprehension and something akin to disappointment crossed her face. “Ever the gentleman.” She regarded him with those indecipherable eyes of hers. “No need to apologize for a trivial kiss. But, of course, I accept your apology if it relieves your mind.” She shook the reins, urging her mare into a trot, leaving him behind.
    Trivial kiss ? He frowned. His amorous efforts had never been labeled as such before. And Charlotte seemed affronted by his apology.
    “Have I insulted you?” he asked, catching up to her. A gunshot sounded in the distance, the loud popping noise close enough to make Charlotte’s mare fidgety.
    “Whoa, there.” She firmed her hold on the ribbons and patted Flame’s neck.
    “It must be the poachers the groom warned of.” Tension fired through the muscles in his arms and legs as he scanned the wood line. “Let’s get you back.”
    She nodded, still stroking the mare’s neck as they moved into a trot. After several minutes, when they had neared the manor, Cam peered over at Charlotte. “You neglected to answer my question. Did my apology insult you?”
    “No.” She shook her head. “Of course not.”
    “Then what was that look you gave me?”
    “It is of no consequence.”
    “Please do tell me.”
    “I simply don’t understand men like you. You feel worse about a simple kiss that injures no one, than about putting so many people out of work.”
    Her words were swallowed by an ominous cracking sound that echoed through the air. Another gunshot. This one so close Flame shied away, spooked. She reared, the abrupt movement taking Charlotte by surprise. She slid off backwards, the back of her head slamming the ground. Flame circled then broke off into a skittering run.
    “Charlotte!” His heart pounding, he leapt from his horse and ran to her. She lay motionless with her eyes closed, her face pale and still. He bent over to cradle her upper body in his arms, alarm blasting through him.
    “Miss Livingston. Charlotte, can you hear me? Are you all right?” Her translucent blue eyes blinked open, peering up at him with a blank look. “Charlotte, can you hear me? Charlotte?”
    “You called me Charlotte. I have not given you leave to do that.”
    He let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. “Yes, I hope I did not offend. Do you think you can sit up?” He helped her into an upright position, his concern spiking when she seemed to waver.
    “Easy now.” He put an arm around Charlotte to keep her steady and bent his knee, bracing it behind her for support. She leaned against his knee and dropped her head into her hands. Stroking her hair with his free hand, an unexpected tenderness welled up in Cam. “There now, just rest for a moment until you regain your bearings.”
    She made a murmur of contentment as her entire body sank against his chest, all warmth and suppleness, her gentle scent embracing him. Cam tensed at the unexpectedly provocative feel of her. His prick perked up, too, stirring with interest. Cursing to himself, he shifted to lessen the physical contact between them.
    Opening her eyes, she smiled weakly. “Don’t worry, I shan’t take advantage of you.”
    Ah, but was she safe from him? He allowed his lips to brush the softness of her hair; its silken length smelled of lavender. He wondered how long it fell. Did it reach the small of her back? If he pulled it loose now, would its glistening strands brush over the gentle curve of her hip?
    The sounds of shouting in the distance distracted him from such fanciful thoughts. A man on horseback charged their way, his mount’s beating hooves kicking up grass. As he neared,
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