Seducing Charlotte
Cam recognized the groom from the stable riding Charlotte’s errant horse. Nearing them, the man leapt down before his animal had time to come to a complete stop.
    “Char…Miss Livingston, are you hurt?” The urgent words throbbed with concern, his eyes wild with anxiety.
    “Yes, yes, please don’t worry on my account.” She managed a smile, although it looked more like a grimace, and made an effort to pull away from Cam. “I took a spill.”
    The groom ran his gaze over the length of her body. Cam wanted to slap him for his impudence. The stable boy seemed not to notice because his intense focus remained fastened on Charlotte.
    “Are you certain no bones are broken?” The groom reached for Charlotte, but stopped himself before touching her. “When your mount came back to the stables without you, I feared the worst.”
    “Oh, Nathan, I am sorry to have worried you.”
    Oh, Nathan ? Cam examined the groom, taking in the tall, lanky form, brown hair, and quiet determined way he carried himself.
    “Come now, let’s see if you can stand,” he said, feeling a need to take command of the situation. Holding on to Charlotte’s arm, he helped her up. Nathan shot to his feet and moved toward her.
    Cam stopped him with a territorial gaze and a crisp, brusque tone. “That will be all, Nathan, is it?”
    Nathan stepped back, bowing his head in acquiescence, but not before Cam saw anger flash in the man’s soft blue eyes.
    Charlotte rose a little unsteadily. “I was knocked about a bit, but nothing seems to be broken.” She gave Nathan that grimacing smile again, one that was meant to be reassuring but instead had the opposite effect.
    Cam frowned at her ginger movements. “I think perhaps you should ride back to the manor with me, on my steed.”
    “My lord,” the groom interjected. “Miss Livingston can ride back on her mount. I will walk.”
    “Miss Livingston is in no condition to ride alone. She is still quite unsteady. I will accompany her.” He guided Charlotte over to his horse. “You may go. Take her mount with you.”
    Climbing into the saddle, Cam ignored the departing groom. Once seated, he took hold of Charlotte’s hand while she placed her foot on top of his boot so he could hoist her up. Settling Charlotte sideways in front of him, he wrapped his arms around her delicate waist to keep her steady and set the stallion in motion at a slow pace. He tried to maintain focus on the path ahead, and not the scented feminine softness pressing up against his chest and stomach. And other regions he had no business thinking about at the moment.
    “Just a little bit farther, sweet,” he said. Although he couldn’t see her face, he felt it the moment Charlotte lost consciousness. Panic flashed through him when her body went limp and lifeless just as Fairview Manor came into view. Some of that tension released when he caught sight of Hartwell outside the stables with several guests, preparing to lead a riding party. “I need your assistance,” he called out.
    The duke came forward, and alarm stamped his dark face once he took in Charlotte’s still figure. “What the devil?”
    “She took a fall. Help me take her down. Slowly.” Cam eased off the horse with Charlotte still in his arms. Hartwell provided a stabilizing hand until Cam touched the ground. Cradling her long, slender form in his embrace, Cam’s strides ate up the ground as he closed the distance to the house. Every muscle in his body had gone taut and his heartbeat drummed in his ears. A murmur moved through the gathered guests who watched with open curiosity at the sight of Charlotte in the marquess’s arms.
    Hartwell turned to the nearest groom. “Go to the village and summon the doctor.”
    Reaching the manor, Cam glanced back in time to see Nathan mount almost before the command left Hartwell’s lips. Kicking up a cloud of dust, the groom spurred the mare onward, the thumping sounds of galloping hooves quickly fading into the
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