Secured Secret

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Book: Secured Secret Read Online Free PDF
Author: Charity Parkerson
Tags: romantic suspense
    “Sure. He’s in his dad’s office.”
    “Do you mind taking Genie back there to see him?”
    She nodded. “Sure. No problem.”
    “Thanks,” he said flashing a quick grin, then, switching his attention back to Genie, he said. “I’m going to leave you in Lily’s capable hands,” lowering his voice for only her ears he added. “I just want to let you know that I do think about you all the time, and for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
    Genie smiled sadly. “Oh, sweetie. That makes it so much worse. Now not only was I easy to forget, you regret me too.”
    Not giving him a chance to respond, she stepped over to where Lily stood and followed her through the building.
    “So, you’re a friend of Shannon and Weave’s?”
    The cattiness in Lily’s voice took her somewhat by surprise since it seemed so out of place with her smile.
    “Yes,” Genie answered ambiguously then, shrugging out of her jacket, she gave Lily full sight of her gun and badge. Lily chuckled. “Touché, Ms. Cook.”
    They rounded the corner, bringing a set of glass doors into view where Shannon sat behind a desk. His large frame seemed to dwarf the desk, and she instantly felt better at the sight of him. He glanced up when her shadow fell across his paperwork. He broke into a huge smile, jumping to his feet and rounding the table.
    “Genie!” He pulled her into a bear hug, rocking from side to side, making her want to laugh aloud.
    “You’re crushing your gift.”
    He pulled back immediately. “Gift?” Looking down at the present she held, his smile turned even brighter.
    “Merry Christmas, a day late,” she added.
    He brought the present to his ear shaking it. “What did you get me?”
    “It’s full of my undying love and affection,” she said sarcastically. “Open the damn thing.”
    He stared down at the object in his hand before crowing with laughter. It was a realistic looking badge that had “T.F.P.” engraved across it for “The Fatty Police.” He swiped his eyes. “Where did you find this?”
    “My Uncle Dan can forge anything, but don’t worry, that’s not your real present,” reaching into her back pocket, she pulled out an envelope. “Here you go.”
    He broke the seal and pulled out the contents. “A ticket to this Sunday’s Titans game.”
    “Mm-hmm. It’s their last home game of the season and I was hoping you would go with me while I’m still in town.”
    “Sounds like fun.”
    “Don’t be so quick to agree. My brother is going too.”
    “Oh the whore; I can’t wait.” She slugged him across the arm.
    “She hits and she’s carrying a gun. She’s a keeper, son.”
    Genie turned, blushing, as an older version of Shannon filled the doorway. He had laugh lines around his eyes, and his skin was a darker mocha instead of the golden tone of Shannon’s, but otherwise they looked identical. “Can’t, dad. She’s Weave’s woman.”
    Bryant Smith’s eyes focused sharply on Genie, and she wanted to fall through the floor and kill Shannon all at the same time, but she remained still for his inspection. “If she’s Weave’s woman, then why is she hanging out with you?”
    Shannon slung one arm over Genie’s shoulders. “Because she might be his woman, but she’s my best friend. Besides, I’m still hoping I can steal her away.”
    She elbowed him hard in the ribs making him grunt, then she held out her hand for Bryant to shake. “Agent Genie Cook, and I am nobody’s woman. The best friend part is becoming more and more debatable by the moment.”
    Bryant shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, Agent Cook,” he told her before turning his gaze to his son. “Now get the hell out. I got work to do,” only his amused smile showed there was no real heat behind his words. “Besides,” he added. “You can’t very well steal her out from beneath him with your dad hanging around cramping your style.”
    “Yes sir,” Shannon snapped, keeping his arm over her shoulders as he steered
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