The Sword and the Flame

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Book: The Sword and the Flame Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stephen Lawhead
Tags: Ebook, book
doorway across the yard. Two little faces peeked out from either side of their mother’s skirts, their eyes shining.
    Esme knelt down and held out her arms. “Come here, my darlings!” she called, and was instantly smothered in giggles and kisses. “And how big you have grown!” she said in amazement. “Oh, I have missed you so!” She kissed both girls and hugged them tight. Then she stood and embraced their mother. “Bria, it is wonderful to see you.”
    The two women clung for a long moment and then stepped to view each other at arm’s length. “Esme, you are more beautiful than ever. You are! It is . . .” A tear formed in Bria’s eye. “I have missed you so much!”
    â€œAnd I you. You have no idea how good it feels to be here at last. I have wanted to come many times, but—”
    Bria caught up her hands and pulled her away, saying, “Come! There is much to talk about. Leave your things for now; I will have them brought up to your rooms.” She turned to address the others in Esme’s traveling party. “Please, you are our welcome guests. Rest; take your ease from your long journey. If you like, you may dine with us in the banquet hall this evening. Or if you would prefer, food will be sent to your rooms.”
    Wilkins bowed low. “Your Highness, my lady has told us so much about you and about this place; we are all eager to see it. We will join you as soon as we have washed the dust of the road from ourselves. I, for one, wish to meet the Dragon King. His name is renowned in the land.” The others nodded their agreement.
    â€œI am sure my husband will welcome the news you bring. I will send the chamberlain directly to lead you to your rooms.”
    Esme said, “Chloe, you may remain with me.” A slim, brown-haired young woman dressed in riding clothes like Esme’s stepped shyly forward. She curtsied to the queen, then held out two bundles to her mistress.
    â€œAh, yes. I almost forgot!” said Esme, taking the packages. “I have brought something for my little friends.”
    The princesses squealed in delight. “Presents!” they cried. Esme handed them each a bundle tied in bright silk. “Oh, thank you! Thank you!” Both girls kissed her and then ran off to open their gifts.
    â€œThey are treasures, Bria. Treasures.”
    â€œThat they are. But come, you must be exhausted. Your rooms are ready and waiting for you.” She led Esme away and smiled at Chloe, who fell silently in behind them. “Both of you can rest a little before dinner.”
    The queen led them from the ward yard into the corridor of the inner curtain and into the castle itself. Along the way they talked about the journey and all that the travelers had seen. When finally they reached the queen’s apartments, Bria announced, “You will be staying here, Esme. I want you close. Rest now and refresh yourselves. Water has been prepared for you. I will come back in a little while and bring you to dinner.”
    â€œYou are so kind, Bria. Thank you. But now that I am here, fatigue seems to have vanished. I want only to sit with you and have a long talk.”
    â€œOh, we shall, Esme. We must have many long talks before I am satisfied.” She paused and added on a more somber note, “You have often been in my thoughts.”
    â€œThank you. And you have often been in mine. Yes, we have much to talk about.”

    Quentin and Toli were standing with Wilkins just inside the wide-open doors to the banqueting hall. Others stood a little way off, talking among themselves, awed to be in the presence of the king himself. Wilkins enthusiastically recounted the journey to Askelon and related the news he had heard along the way.
    Quentin, happy to entertain guests—for it had been some time since the castle had held foreign visitors—pumped the willing man for information, which was happily
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