What We Search For

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Book: What We Search For Read Online Free PDF
Author: Natasha Stories
up here!” Another replied, as she
took it all in with one sweeping glance, which for a second I thought lingered
on me, but maybe it was my imagination.
    “Oh hey! I think the
instructor is here.” The last said, pointing at a girl dressed all in red.
    Waving at us she joined
the group “Hi everyone! My name is Haley, and I’ll be helping you all today
while you learn how to snowboard! Hopefully everyone is ready? It looks like
everyone is here.” She said, as she appeared to tally our numbers. Counting me,
she appeared to recognize me and gave me a small knowing smile and a quick
wink, and continued her count. “Okay numbers are good, so let’s head over here
and have a chat!” She said excitedly. She led the group over to what I could
only assume was the area for the newest people on the hill.
    Sitting down in a circle
on top of our boards Haley introduced herself in full which led me to thinking
I hadn’t actually spoken to her since we had our… entertaining night together.
Finally it was time to start our lesson.
    The basics came first and
then we slowly progressed into actually going down a hill. If you could really
even call it a hill. I fell over more times than I’d care to admit and Chris
and Brad were the same. Near the end of the lesson, Haley came over to me to
see how I was going.
    “Looking good on that
board.” She said, as she brushed up against me.
    “Feeling like an idiot to
be honest!” I replied light heartedly.
    “You’ll get it.” She
laughed, “It just takes a little bit of time but once you have the feeling,
you’ll be flying down the hills.” She added, glancing around she slapped me on
the ass and took off laughing.
    Our encounter had not gone
unnoticed. The group of American girls talked amongst themselves softly while
looking directly at me. Embarrassed for some reason, I looked away and started
my painstakingly slow descent. To my great relief I made it without falling
over once, but the relief was short lived as I came to a stop and fell hard on
my rear.
    Chris came up to me after
completing his own descent and gave me a knowing look. “That’s the one isn’t
it? The one you met the same night we met Brad?” He asked with genuine interest.
Nodding slowly, I came to my feet.
    “Yes. Guilty as charged.”
I said, watching Haley move away.
    “No need to worry about
that. She seems to be nice enough. Not a bad looking girl either!” He said,
slapping me on the back.
    “She’s an
attractive lady I won’t deny that. ” I replied, smiling. I returned my attention to
the rest of the class coming down the hill.
    Taking my helmet and tuque
off I breathed in the frigid air and looked around slowly. My gaze landed
directly on one of the three American girls. She seemed strikingly familiar but
I couldn’t quite place work out where I had seen her. There was something about
the shape of her face. Something… She must have seen me looking as she suddenly
set off walking in my direction with a smile on her face.
    Chris wandered away to go
check on Brad, leaving me alone watching this girl come directly at me with one
of the nicest smiles I had ever seen. That was it! I’d seen that smile before
somewhere. She stopped in front of me and took her goggles and tuque off, and I
stood there staring like an idiot for longer than I would have liked. My mind
raced for her name.
    Although our last
encounter had been a short one it was a memorable one. Amanda. It was Amanda
from the LA airport. Of all the people to meet on a snow hill in the middle of
Alberta in the same snowboarding class as me! “Amanda!” I exclaimed happily,
after my moment of staring in shock and wonder. “I can’t believe you’re here!
How are you?” I asked curiously.
    “James! So great to see
you! I thought it was you earlier, but I was a bit shy to come say hello
because I couldn’t tell for sure.” She said, as laughter came to her lips.
    Her laugh was like a
gentle breeze and it gave me goosebumps.
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