days, together Shannon pictured Genie’s sexy legs wrapped around his hips, tangled sheets, and biting kisses. “Sounds wonderful,” he told her honestly.
Two weeks later, the day after Christmas- Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Smith Security Services turned out to be an easy building to find. It was located right next door to Smith Brothers Fight Club. It was a non-descript red brick building with only a small plaque beside the front door with the name of the company on it. When Genie pushed her way through the front door, she was met by a chunky older lady whose dark skin was touched by a kiss of mocha. She smiled in welcome. “Can I help you?”
Genie looked around at the sparse waiting room and noticed there were several different offices. “I’m looking for Shannon Smith. Is he in today?”
“I’m sorry, but you just missed him. Is there someone else that could help you, or would you like to leave him a message?”
Genie shifted the wrapped present from underneath her arm, holding it out between her hands. “If I left this with you, could you make sure he got it?” She didn’t want to leave it, what she really wanted was to see Shannon, but she kept missing him everywhere she went. They spent four days together talking non-stop when he visited her in Abernathy, and now she was home for the holidays visiting her own family. She wanted to spend some more time with him before she left since she didn’t know when they’d get to see one another again.
She started to hand the present over, but Weave stepped out of one of the rooms behind the receptionist desk. “It’s fine, Mookie. I’ll make sure Shannon gets that, if that’s okay with you, Genie?”
She stood frozen to the floor at the sight of him. He was still just as beautiful as the first time she laid eyes on him, and it made her want to scream with frustration. She was such a stupid, stupid woman forever wanting what she could never have. She cleared her throat uncomfortably. “That’s fine,” she held the package out to him, but he didn’t take it.
“On second thought. He’s right next door. I could walk you over there, and you could give it to him in person.” He closed and locked the door that he’d just exited before handing the key to the receptionist. “Here you go Mookie. I’m going to head out so just forward any calls to my cell okay?”
“Okay, baby. I’ll see you on Monday, and you have a good weekend.”
Genie smiled at the older woman. “Thank you for your help.”
“You’re welcome, sweetie, and happy holidays.”
Weave held open the front door for her, and Genie slipped out underneath his arm, making sure not to brush against him as she went. They walked in silence to the next building over. Weave scanned his thumbprint at the door before opening that door for her as well, and she stepped beneath his arm once more. She expected the inside of one the world’s most famous fight clubs to be noisy and swarming with people, but it was fairly quiet with only about a dozen or so people training or working out. It seemed as if all activity came to a screeching halt at their entrance, although no one openly gawked. She stood just inside the door, looking the place over. The center of the room was caged in, and several punching bags hung from the ceiling in different areas of the room. A spongy material covered the floor, and she could see several other rooms off the main one that included weights and other sparring areas. A gorgeous woman with light brown hair and hauntingly beautiful gray eyes approached them. She was wearing a sports bra and workout shorts, and her hands and feet were wrapped in a way that let Genie know she was caught in the middle of sparring. She smiled warmly despite the interruption to her workout. “Hey, Weave. Who’s your friend?”
“Hey, Lily. This is Genie Cook. Genie, this is Lily Re’Vone,” they clasped hands briefly. “We were looking for Shannon. Is he