Poisonous Pleasure
to do this? You can come to me, or I can come to you. Either way, we both know you won’t be able to escape, so please don’t try. I’ve got a killer headache and the last thing I need is to chase you around the room.”
    Tingling rushed through Marcella’s fingers again as rage took over. This demon was the rudest, most insensitive bastard she’d ever met. She stalked right up to him not once breaking their eye contact.
    “I’m not afraid of you. What, no more music? I hope your head hurts so bad that every word out of my mouth makes you want to puke!” She yelled as loud as she could, happy when he winced.
    Lips crushed into hers, pulling her into a passion she’d never undergone before. His taste hypnotized her, drugged her into forgetting everything she’d ever experienced. Marcella clung around his neck, amazed by her body’s response to him. He wasn’t going through her at all and if felt as if she knew him, knew him forever. Nothing mattered anymore but the pull that forced her to get closer against him.
    Out of nowhere, she couldn’t breathe even though she hadn’t taken a single breath since she awoke. The need to take in air made her panic. Desperately, she tried to pull back and noticed she wasn’t the only one. He seemed to be pushing against her shoulders, but her lips were locked open with his.
    Cold slowly began to seep into Marcella’s mouth as a bright light nearly blinded her. A piercing scream almost shattered her eardrums. It took a moment to realize the scream came from her. Dark spots blocked out the majority of her vision and everything turned to slow motion. She could feel herself falling and once again, she couldn’t control her body.
    Peaceful darkness settled over her, but quickly vanished into a muffled voice. Fog drifted through her head while she tried to process what just happened. The voice got louder and she fought to listen to what it was saying.
    “You owe me five souls. Do you know that? What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”
    Marcella blinked to see the demon hovering over her. The glare on his face made her smile while she shut her eyes. To see him upset felt like perfect payback for the asshole he’d been earlier. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. What happened?”
    “I’ll tell you what happened. You stole my souls! What the hell am I supposed to do now? I’m due to meet with my master within the next month and if I don’t have those souls, there’s going to be hell to pay. Now give them back!”
    “I already told you. I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about!” Aching raced through her body as she fought to sit up. “Are you going to help me or are you just going to stand there, maybe play me another song?”
    The demon pulled her up so fast she fought not to be sick. Twisting resettled in her stomach and she clung to his white button up shirt so she wouldn’t collapse back to the ground in pain.
    “Oh God, not again. Oh please, no.”
    “What is it?” He growled.
    Fingers laced through her hair at the base of her neck. She leaned into his strength and stared up at him. “I’ve been having these bad pains, even before the fire. My stomach, it hurts really bad.”
    “Pains? You can feel?” At once, his voice softened and sounded confused.
    “No, I’m just clutching to my stomach because it feels good. Yes, I can feel. It hurts. Make it stop.”
    A scream escaped her lips while she buried her face into his wide chest. The hardness of muscle nearly made her draw back, but the throbbing immobilized her. “Make it stop!”
    “I can’t. I don’t know what’s happening. You shouldn’t be able to feel. Shit, what in the fuck is going on? You take my souls, you can feel, you’re an amazing kisser. Nothing makes sense.”
    Caught off guard by the amazing kisser part, she tried to look up. Tingling, followed by what Marcella could only describe as cobwebs, raced from her toes to her shins. “What’s happening? What is
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