Poisonous Pleasure
that? Something’s inside of me. I can feel it moving. Oh shit.”
    “Tell me what you feel. Is it like bugs, or…”
    “Cobwebs, it’s creepy. I don’t like it.” She tried pulling out of his arms, but he wouldn’t let her go. The need to curl into a ball pushed her to fight against him, harder. “They’re to my knees! It fucking hurts.”
    Her fingers gripped into the demons shirt even tighter. Terror caused her breathing to become faster as the feeling began to accelerate and climb to the bottom of her stomach. Electrical charges shot in all directions making her vision blur.
    “I’m dying,” she whispered. “Again, but this time they want me to feel it. Why is this happening? I’ve never done anything. I’m fucking boring!”
    Light exploded in front of her while the cobwebs raced up her throat, blocking off every ounce of air she held. The demon’s eyes got big as he held eye contact with her. The expressions passing his face made her panic further. Fire raced down her skin feeling like a million needles penetrating at once.
    “Your eyes.” The words were the last thing she heard before another pain exploded in her head. Then silence.
    “Collector, wake up. Collector…Marcella! Damn woman, you faint more than anyone I’ve ever met before. Your change couldn’t have been that bad. Hello….wake up!”
    “I can hear you, dammit. You don’t have to yell. And for your information, I’ve never fainted before today.”
    Marcella sat up groggily. Long dark hair fell over her shoulder as she leaned forward. She stared at it confused. This
was not
her hair. Hers was only a few inches past her shoulders and wasn’t ever this dark. Now the loose curls hung past her elbows.
    Looking at her skin, she nearly screamed. She was pale before, but now she was downright ghostly, and covered with tribal tattoos that stopped at her waist. Not to mention, she was completely nude.
“Oh my God…”
    The demon laughed. “I didn’t want to believe it. This is beyond anything I ever thought I’d experience. Marcella, do you know what’s happened? Do you know what you are? You’ve defied everything us demons were ever taught.”
    “Less talk, and more clothes. Hello, I’m naked.” Marcella crossed her legs, and wrapped her arms across her chest trying to cover herself as much as she could.
    The blue of his eyes left hers and gazed down at her body. Heat infested her skin, skin that looked real, human. Marcella pressed her fingertip against her thigh. Solid.
real. I’m…alive?”
    “You’re a collector.” The huskiness of his voice made her shiver. “You’re not supposed to be real. Soul collectors only existed back in the first few hundred years of hell. Lucifer supposedly made them to assist in his deeds, but he wiped them out. They were too powerful and began to deliver to who they thought best, or so the legend goes. That’s when us demons were sent to earth for the task.”
    “Whoa, what makes you think I’m one of those?”
    “Well, it could be the chants that are embedded in your skin. Or maybe it’s the fact that you stole my souls! Don’t tell me you’re forgetting that.”
    “Ipos, or did you think I didn’t have a name? Although, maybe it’s better if you call me Dominic, that’s my human name. I do have a life to pretend to live.”
    “Fine, Dominic. Listen. Maybe you’re right, but what if you’re not. Am I human or not?”
    “Human, no. You’re a collector. Didn’t we already go over this? You’re not too bright, are you? Graduated honors, my ass. What did they teach you at that school you went to?”
    “Listen asshole, since you seem to be missing what I’m getting at here. I want to leave. Can I make it past the walls of this room?”
    “Oh, why didn’t you just say that to begin with? Yes, you’re free to do whatever you want. That is, after you hand over my souls.”
    Marcella’s breasts hit the hardness of Dominic chest as he pulled her up.
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