Poisonous Pleasure
Fingers tangled into her hair making her look into his eyes. “I’m sorry, but this is the only way.” His lips pressed gently into hers at first, then harder, sending pleasure heavily to her lower stomach. The softness of his tongue caressed hers bringing her body to life with heightened sensations more powerful than before.
    Wetness collected on her inner thighs while she pulled his body closer to hers. She could hear herself moaning as she sank deeper into him. The familiarity of his taste only lasted for the briefest moment. Flashes of her family and Jason made her jerk back, stopping the pull of harbored memories that were trying to break though. Thinking of what happened caused her heart to ache. Jason…
    “Stop, I can’t. I need to leave. There’s someone I have to see.”
    “Dammit, give them back! It’s impossible for me to take them from you. All you have to do is hand them over and I
let you leave.”
    “But I don’t know how. I’m not even sure I can.”
    The feeling of leather materialized around parts of her body. Marcella looked down and still tried to cover herself. A black halter top barely covered her generous breasts. Pants were so low cut and tight, she knew she’d be stupid to bend over or sit down.
    “Did you do that?”
    “Yes, let’s go. You’re not leaving until I get those souls back. There’s got to be a way to unlock where they’re staying. But if I can’t, you can face the masters and explain the situation. In the meantime, I’m going to have fun trying my damnedest to open everything up inside of you.
” He laughed. With the mischievous look on his face, she had no doubt he was referring to something sexual.
    “But I can’t leave with you. I need to find Jason. I need to make sure he’s all right. He lost his father last year and today he saw me and my family rolled out of the house in body bags. Do you have any idea what he must be going though?”
Or what I’m going though? I need him.
Even though Marcella knew Jason was hurting, he was all she had left. She wanted to cry to him, to have him tell her everything was going to be all right.
    “I don’t care, truthfully. Do you have any idea what I’ll go through if you don’t give me back those souls?”
    Marcella screamed in frustration and ran for the opened side of the wall. The spiked stilettos made it impossible for her to make good timing around all the debris blocking her path. She wasn’t halfway across her front lawn when Dominic tackled her.
    “Oh no, you don’t. Let’s go.”
    A hand clamped across her mouth while he lifted her back against his body. In shock, she watched a red car materialize before them. What looked to be the symbol of a pitchfork rested at the very front of the two-door, sports car.
    “Now get in here and be quiet. If you give me any more trouble I’ll tie you up and gag you. Is that clear?”
    “Is that what you’re into?” She raised her eyebrow as his lips parted, quickly turning to a smile.
    “Not particularly, but for you, I think the gag would be necessary. Now, stop giving me trouble. Hear me?”
    “Perfectly,” Marcella bit out. She had to think of a way to get to Jason. Without him there to emotionally support her, Marcy wasn’t sure what to do. When anything had ever happened, he’d been her rock, the one telling her he wouldn’t ever leave.
    Throwing herself down into the passenger side seat, she cringed when the door slammed. The keys resting in the ignition moved her into a motion. She jumped in the driver’s side and started the car, leaving Dominic standing in the middle of the road in a cloud of smoke.
    The car quickly jumped to sixty as Marcella left what was considered, Ingleside on the Bay. She hit the highway headed toward town pushing the car over a hundred. Houses blurred by and she didn’t slow until she reached Jason’s road.
    “Come on. Be home. Please!”
    The big black truck sat sideways on the front lawn as if it had been
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