High School,
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it doesn’t say what he finds
beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; maybe he
recognizes her soul and that’s what is brighter than everyone
else.” This response came from the girl who wore lots of hemp
material clothing and long skirts. More than a few moans came from
around the room.
“He just wants in her pants,” Tommy threw out
and achieved the laughter he was shooting for. He was always
performing, whether on the wrestling mat or not.
“That’s enough,” Teacher Woman intervened,
but held her own smile, obviously satisfied with the brief
discussion as proof of her students’ attention. “Now let’s skip to
the balcony scene. Notice the concerns Juliet voices in her
monologue.” With her discussion duty completed, she pushed play on
the CD player and the heavily-accented lines resumed. Teacher woman
went back to her desk, looked the class over for problem students,
and then became absorbed again in her computer screen.
Katelyn tried briefly to glance at the
textbook, but she noticed her neighbor wasn’t even on the correct
page. In fact, behind his shaggy hair, his eyelids were already
closed again. Katelyn glanced at the clock. Thirty minutes to go
and she was done for the day.
Her hoodie’s pocket vibrated with a text
alert. She looked to the teacher, who was visibly amused by
whatever she was reading or watching on her monitor. She’d chance
“Lites on or off today?” It was from Tim.
Katelyn contained her smile.
She didn’t know about Romeo’s love at first
sight, but she was feeling something she never had before. Only two
days after meeting him, she felt like he was supposed to be in her
life. They had so many things in common. They liked the same music.
He introduced her to songs from bands she’d never heard of. She
made a point to download them. He was funny. He was interesting.
And, he liked her.
He had told her how he couldn’t do regular
high school anymore because of all of the idiots—other kids and
teachers. After his third fight, he was expelled from his high
school, so now he went to the alternative school in Ames. Even
though Katelyn still sometimes fumbled her words when she talked to
him, he must not think her a total idiot. He agreed with her about
her opinion of grades in school, about cheerleaders suddenly
lacking individual thought once they made the squad, and about how
wrong it was that the local police seemed to target the poorer
neighborhoods for their patrols.
He paid attention to her. Even Katelyn’s
friends only seemed to give her part of their attention when she
talked to them. He would look at her without turning away, and, if
possible, link into her thoughts through his olive green eyes. And,
there was the way Tim made her feel when he kissed her.
Katelyn had kissed other boys, a friend of
Emily’s last boyfriend at the Rollins Dam and then, regrettably,
some guy at Jenny’s last month after drinking too much. That guy
was gross. He would have put his tongue down Katelyn’s throat if he
could have. Plus, he instantly started to run his hands all over
her and groped her breasts before Katelyn was able to push him
Tim’s kiss, though, was more like what she
imagined kissing should be. Katelyn touched her neck, remembering
his lips softly leaving a trail along its side.
She tried to come up with a clever reply to
his message. The Shakespeare CD recording grabbed her attention
briefly with some famous lines. She smiled at the timing and her
idea for a response.
“Soft, thru yonder window lite breaks.” She
hoped she didn’t sound like a tool. Katelyn added “and I wish I
could break out”.
Within a minute his reply came: “Do it! I’ll
meet u outside.”
She responded, shifting in her seat to lean
over her phone. She looked around the room and saw at least two
other people texting. “lol, but that would seal my coffin at
Another two minutes and she looked up in
amazement after reading his reply. “Tim is (choose