One Night with a Star (Second Chances Book 2)

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Book: One Night with a Star (Second Chances Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Merry Farmer
Her eyes flickered across to Simon as she turned to watch the bride approach. There was something there, something more than scorn or anger, which she had every right to.
    What would have happened if he’d called? Suddenly, that was the only thing he could think about. What would have happened if he hadn’t had his head so far up his ass that he couldn’t see the amazing woman right in front of him? Contrary to what she might think, he did not get tired of her and bail. He still wanted her in the morning after that night together. He still wanted her now.
    Tasha made it to the front of the gathering of her friends and family and took Spence’s hand with a smile that came from heaven itself. Together, the two of them faced the minister, and Simon shifted into place by Spence’s side. He caught a flash of pink as Jenny did the same on Tasha’s other side. What would it have been like if he hadn’t left? Maybe it would be him and Jenny standing there in front of a minister, saying beautiful things to each other and making promises in front of God. Maybe.
    Maybe not. He hadn’t left because he felt like it, he’d left because he’d had to. The journey of the last year had been the most valuable of his life. If he’d stayed and wooed Jenny back then, chances are that not only would they not be in the place of the bride and groom, he would have spent this day passed out on some hotel room floor, or worse. He’d done what he had to do. Now what he had to do was make Jenny see that.
    The minister finished his words to the couple, and Tasha and Spence faced each other. The wedding party turned, and Simon found Jenny watching him.
    “Spencer Thaddeus Ellis, do you take this woman, Tasha Helen Pike, to be your lawfully wedded wife,” the minister recited the vows.
    A twist of something dark and painful flashed through Jenny’s face. Simon felt it in his soul. He smiled at her, telling her it would be okay, she would get her turn. Only, his show of support brought tears to her eyes. She forced a smile, as if pretending they were happy tears, but for Simon, that one break in her otherwise very cool façade was a dagger in his chest. He’d caused her a lot of pain while trying to sort out his own. Only a fool or an asshole would inflict pain like that, and back then, he’d been both.
    He wasn’t that man now. His whole life in the past year had been about second chances. Hell, the show he’d signed on for was called Second Chances. Well, this would be his. As the minister continued with the vows, asking Spence and Tasha to commit themselves to each other until death did they part, Simon made his own vow. He would love, honor, and cherish his son, even if he hadn’t been there for the first part of the boy’s life. And he would fight to make things right with Jenny, no matter what it took.
    As the minister finished his questions to Tasha and Tasha answered, “I do,” Simon echoed the sentiment in his heart.
    I do. I will.

    Chapter Three
    There was a marked difference in the level of party involved in Spence and Tasha’s reception up on the lawn around Sand Dollar Point and the vast majority of the benders Simon had been on in recent years. It was amazing what an appropriate occasion, a little bit of moderation, and general happiness and good will could do to make people feel relaxed and celebratory. He hung around the edges, though, watching everyone else but feeling out of place himself.
    Being in large groups of people that he didn’t know had never bothered him before. Sure, he knew Spence, but at the moment Spence and Tasha were making the rounds, talking to all of their guests, hand-in-hand. He knew Yvonne, but hanging out with your agent was a bit like tagging along with the teachers on a class trip. Benjamin Paul was sitting at Yvonne’s table, involved in some lively discussion or another with her. Ben had directed several episodes of the first season of Second Chances—which they’d all
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