One Night with a Star (Second Chances Book 2)

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Book: One Night with a Star (Second Chances Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Merry Farmer
already, friend.”
    “Buddy, you have no idea,” he said and downed another swallow from his glass. He pushed away from the bar, but turned back to Simon. “Stop ogling my girlfriend, okay? I’m tired of you guys elbowing your way into my business.”
    Simon saluted Neil with his soda, but the second Neil’s back was turned he muttered, “Wanker.” He would have settled for just sitting there feeling awkward. Now he had to contend with the fact that he wanted to rip Jenny’s boyfriend’s face off and shove it down his neck.
    He took a drink of his soda, finding it entirely unsatisfactory, and walked away from the bar. It looked like there was nothing else for him to do but join the table full of arrogant, entitled celebrities, like Neil Brenner apparently thought he should.
    “Hello all,” he said, sinking into a chair at the table beside Yvonne. “Lovely wedding we’re having, isn’t it?”
    “Simon, sweetheart.” Yvonne leaned over to kiss his cheek. She’d evidently had her share of the expensive wine, but like everything else, she still managed to command everyone around her.
    “Simon.” Ben nodded to him. He then did what Ben did best and went right on talking about whatever thoughts were in his head that he believed everyone should know. “So I should be able to direct at least six of the episodes, but the company is going to have to work around my Broadway gig.”
    “Oh honey, I’m sure they will,” Yvonne said. “Everybody loves your work.”
    “What’s this?” Simon asked. He hated talking shop most days, but the table wasn’t charged with the same sense of do-or-die that usually accompanied Hollywood chit-chat.
    Yvonne leaned back in her chair and looked at him like he was a three-year-old. “You haven’t heard?”
    “Heard what?”
    “Simon, you need to start checking your email and answering your calls more often. Second Chances was picked up for a second season.”
    A burst of relief cut through all of the tension that the wedding had sparked in him. “That’s fabulous. Does Spence know?”
    “Does Spence know what?” Spence himself asked. He and Tasha had made their way over to the celebrity table to greet their guests.
    “That the show was picked up for a second season,” Simon said.
    “Of course I knew,” Spence laughed. “Didn’t you?”
    “He doesn’t answer his calls,” Yvonne said. She stared at Simon. “And you think I need to give you more space. Honey, if I gave you anymore space, you’d be living in an igloo in Newfoundland year-round.”
    “It wasn’t an igloo, I was in a B&B near St. John,” Simon said.
    “Whatever it was, you’ll need to find a place to live around here,” Spence said. “A steady filming schedule, months in the same place. With any luck, it will last for years.” He raised Tasha’s hand to his lips and kissed it, beaming with love and contentment.
    Simon glanced past the happy couple to find Jenny. She had moved to the side, still holding Daniel in her arms, and was now talking to her idiot of a boyfriend. He wasn’t happy about whatever she was saying to him, and at the moment, Jenny looked like she would rather be somewhere else. The only thing that stopped Simon from getting up and marching over there to tell Neil to get lost was the fact that if Neil annoyed Jenny enough, maybe she would do the telling off for him.
    Yes, let the wanker bother Jenny until he made her crazy. That would only help Simon’s cause.
    “The problem is long-term filming,” Ben had gone on, serious about business as only Ben could be.
    “How do you mean?” Tasha asked.
    Ben shifted to look up at her as he explained. “Season one was only eight episodes long. It was a mid-season replacement. The fact that it has done so well is spectacular, but it raises a question about our location for the nursing home bits. We’ve been filming on location at Twin Pines, an assisted living facility up closer to Portland.”
    “I know,” Tasha said, leaning
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