Enemy Invasion

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Book: Enemy Invasion Read Online Free PDF
Author: A. G. Taylor
Two IFC, glides over the city and smashes his way into an office in One IFC. A very cool scene – but probably
suicide for anyone other than Bruce Wayne, Hack reflected.
    The buffers around the side of the ferry squealed as they touched the pier. Seconds later the gangway descended and people shuffled towards the mall in search of shopping, cinema and food. Hack
joined the back of the herd and followed them through the ferry terminal and into the shiny environment of the mall. Here everything was pristine – even the rubber plants in their pots looked
as if they’d just been polished. Hack passed shops filled with designer goods and overpriced electronics towards one of the central hubs – a circular area with escalators going up and
down. Through the glass atrium ceiling, he caught a glimpse of Two IFC tower extending above like a needle. The reality of the situation began to hit home. After months of planning and discussion
with Jonesey, they were actually going to do it.
    They were going to break into the Goodware offices on Level 77.
    Hack checked his watch – almost 8.30 – right on time for his meeting. On Saturday night the mall hummed with thousands of people. Every restaurant had a queue stretching out the
door. Groups of students hung around the entrance to the cinema. He saw a couple of school friends and waved to them, but didn’t have time to stop, carrying on to the meeting place.
    Honeymoon Dessert was a chain of ice-cream restaurants that had places all over the city. Due to Jonesey’s sweet tooth, whenever they arranged a meeting outside the GC, it was usually at
one of them. The place was packed and Hack had to look around for a moment before he spotted his friend, seated at a stall at the very back. The rest of the clientele were either dating couples or
groups of teenage girls. Hack pushed his way through, feeling a little self-conscious, and took a seat opposite.
    “What is that?” Hack asked, looking at the white and black liquid in the yellow bowl.
    “Lychee and black bean soup,” Jonesey replied, spooning another helping into his mouth.
    Hack shook his head as he noticed an untouched bowl of the same dessert on the table. “I thought I said not to get me anything.”
    Jonesey looked sheepish. “Uh, it’s not for you. Someone else is joining us.”
    Hack took a second to process the information, before leaning in towards his friend. “Someone else is coming tonight?”
    “Take it easy!” Jonesey said, waving a hand for him to lower his voice. “How do you think I got my hands on all those security schematics? I needed someone with connections. We
can trust this guy. He’s got more reason to want to keep this secret than we have.”
    “What is he? Some kind of criminal?”
    “No!” Jonesey insisted. “Just a guy with an interest in Goodware.”
    “He works for a rival software developer? Are we talking about industrial espionage—”
    Jonesey coughed. “Here he is.”
    Hack looked round as a well-built guy in his twenties approached the table. He wore an immaculate grey suit, a white shirt open at the neck and looked like Chow Yun-Fat in The Killer . At
first glance he might have been mistaken for a businessman on his night off, but then Hack spotted the edge of a tattoo at his neck, unmistakably the curving tail of a dragon. It was a fair bet
that if the man removed his shirt, you’d see an upper body covered in such artwork. Hack had never met a member of the Triad, the network of criminal gangs that had controlled Hong
Kong’s underworld for centuries, but this guy fitted his mental image to a T. He took a seat beside Jonesey.
    “Hack, meet Hui,” Jonesey said by way of introduction, switching to Cantonese for once.
    The man turned his dark eyes on him. Hack tried to hold his intense gaze, but had to look away. “Nice to meet you,” Hui said, also using Chinese, his voice deep and measured.
“Jonesey has told me so much about you.”
    “Yeah,” Hack
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