Nuklear Age

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Book: Nuklear Age Read Online Free PDF
Author: Brian Clevinger
Tags: General Fiction
sandwich was gone.”
    Nuklear Man stood there. He could not emote. He was not equipped to respond to what his senses were telling him.
    “I’ll never forget what he said as he disappeared behind another corner. It’s haunted me every night of my life since. Just one word. ‘Yoink!’ My life, my dreams, hopes, my whole world was destroyed then. I howled into the rotting void of my soul. That day I vowed that as long as I lived, such a violation of humanity would never occur again. I would spend my life fighting crime, deviancy, and corruption everywhere, no matter how petty and meaningless it was. That single event of betrayal gave birth to The Civil Defender.”
    “I see,” Nuklear Man said. “And this puts you where on the totem pole of police power?”
    “Well I um...I'm not exactly a uh, a police officer as such...”
    “Then what are you?”
    “A crazed vigilante bent on the eradication of small claims crime.” He thought over his response. “Oh wait, replace 'crazed vigilante' with 'concerned citizen.' Dang, I always mess that part up.”
    “I see...” Nuklear Man's eyes became shifty, beady little windows to the soul. He pointed behind the Armored Officer with a look of mock horror. “A jay walker!”
    The Civil Defender spun around and let loose with a volley of Infantry-Stopper rounds.
    Nuklear Man shot into the air. The traffic tickets written on ordinary pieces of notebook paper swirled from the Hero's back draft as he soared through the skies giggling like a schoolgirl. The taunt “Sucker!” echoed back at Civil Defender.
    “Aw nuts!”
    Atomik Lad touched down in front of the main entrance to the abandoned Polluto Chemical Factory just outside of town, “HA! I knew I'd beat 'im. Big dope couldn't read Seuss, much less a map.” It was at this point he realized that he was completely alone in front of the lair of their most cunning and vile villain ever. “But he better get here soon... Er, I'd hate to have to blast Menace back to the Stone Age all by myself,” he quickly added to try to make the Mothra-sized butterflies leave his stomach... Failure.
    Within the dark innards of the Factory, a sleek figure of deadly beauty observed the sidekick on her giant Evil: Monitor which displayed the view from one of her various Evil: Surveillance Cameras that surrounded the grounds of her Evil: Hideout. She pushed a single unmarked button upon her computer console.

Issue 3 – Dr. Menace Strikes Back. For the First Time. Again!
    Atomik Lad, as he often did when alone, thought back to that day. About that first crimson flash. He thought of it now in no different terms than he had before. A lot of things can happen in the blink of an eye , he mused as he looked down at his form fitting spandex.
    Underneath him, a trap sprung and encased Atomik Lad inside a huge titanium Venus Fly Trap. His head buzzed from the metallic dissonance of reverberation that pounded against him. The orb slowly sunk into the ground with its Atomik prize...
    Blazing across the sky, Nuklear Man examined the almost medieval Polluto Chemical Factory as it loomed before him. It was a massive black blight of architecture, all smoke stacks and interwoven pipes. Even with his Nuklear Sight, he could find no sign of Atomik Lad, “Ah ha! I knew it was a right on Victory Street!”
    Of course he already forgot that it was a left and it was supposed to be Victory Lane. Never mind the fact that the actual street name was in fact Rand Road and that he was just plain wrong about the whole situation altogether. The important thing is that he felt he'd done something somewhat resembling a successful train of logic and that was enough for him.
    Atomik Lad awoke with a start. He jerked into consciousness against unseen bonds. He had the feeling that he was suspended by some all-encompassing force, like he was a metal ball caught hovering in a magnetic field. He grit his teeth and
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