Nuklear Age

Nuklear Age Read Online Free PDF

Book: Nuklear Age Read Online Free PDF
Author: Brian Clevinger
Tags: General Fiction
struggled against his restraints, grunting in failure.
    “Good morning,” the thick Transylvanian accent rolled into his ears from behind him. Craning his neck around to see below and behind, he could just make out what must have been the owner of the voice walking into a less chiropracticly profitable position in the room, “Did you have a nice nap?”
    “Until I woke up to you ,” Atomik Lad spat.
    “Oh, don’t be zo rude. With your help, I will catch my ultimate prize, and become the world’s most powerful villain.” She had to quell a maniacal laugh before it broke the surface.He struggled in vain again.
    “Tzk, tzk. That will do you no good. I have you suspended in a Negaflux Containment Field.” She turned to a large central computer and punched away at the keys. “I shall spare you the detailz of my ingenious creation, suffice it to say that every zingle ounce of energy or force exerted on the field will be completely counteracted.” She smiled proudly to her mirror image in the computer display.
    “I'll show you an ounce of force,” he muttered between clenched teeth. His eyes shone with a brilliant vermilion light and red sparkles of energy sputtered around him feebly before being extinguished. “Er...there should be more.”
    “You see? Even your famed ‘Atomik Field’ iz powerless against my Negaflux Containment Field! Another interesting feature iz that I can change the ratio from 1:1, such as it iz now, to something more along the lines of, oh say 2,000:1 so that gravity itself, rather than harmlessly suspending you, would crush you like some colorful American metaphor involving ripe fruit.” she laughed madly.
    Atomik Lad scowled.
    “And once Nuklear Man iz here, he shall have to deal with me on my termz, or else I shall destroy you.”
    “So what are your terms?”
    She spun to face her captive, leaning back on the bulk of her computer, “You and that Nuklear Moron have defeated me dozens of timez in a spotless display of heroics over the years. I will show the world that I possess the greatest mind of the century when my diabolical riddle renders him utterly defeated. He'll then be honor bound to exchange himself for you.” She gave the traditional dramatic pause, “And that will be the end of Nuklear Dolt!” This exact moment would have been the perfect time for lightning to strike and thunder to boom, but due to the local weather patterns, no such theatric display was possible. Alas.
    “A battle of wits, then?”
    “It's been a fun life.”
    She chuckled in amusement. “I'm afraid that attempting to instill me with a false sense of confidence in the hopes that I may fail while drunk on my hubris are futile. No hero could be so successful and yet so incompetent. I'm on to your little ploy,” she said.
    Another laugh, “Do not insult me. I know that Nuklear Idiot has orchestrated this complex act that he iz a bumbling oaf in order to get the psychological upper hand on the less experienzed villains. A very ingenious, and thuz far, successful tactic.”
    “Ugh. Nuke could barely pronounce ‘orchestrate’ and his idea of ‘complex’ borders on the infantile. You of all people should know this!”
    “A villain of my brilliance and resourcefulness could only be defeated by the most capable and intelligent of foez. And, with Nimrod Man out of the picture, I will be able to take over the world!”
    Several lights began blinking in time with a quiet alarm. Menace turned to face the computer. “It seems our guezt of honor haz arrived.” She grinned deviously and turned to the monitor which now displayed a schematic of the grounds with an orange dot rapidly approaching the center marked “Evil: Hideout.”
    A great golden meteor crashed through the wall opposite Menace's computer. Her eyes widened as she dove for cover just before the comet came to a messy stop on the other side of her oversized and now destroyed number cruncher. The building
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