Nova: Daughters of Darkness

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Book: Nova: Daughters of Darkness Read Online Free PDF
Author: A.J. Kane
a clear night sky.
    Nova descended the stairs in search of her Granda and to find some food to quiet her grumbling tummy. Turning from the small hall into the sitting room, she saw her Granda sitting with his laptop open on the coffee table. "Granda, we need to talk."
    "Sit, lass." Nova sat down beside him. "Your old Granda still has a wee bit of magic in him, not that it takes magic to know there has been some strange happenings in my own home." Grinning he sat back, pulling her along with an arm around her shoulder.
    "I'm sorry I didn't come to you last night; I was just trying to figure it all out in my head."
    "Don't fash yerself, Nova. I'm not angry; I just want you to have a care when dealing with these spiritual travelings."
    "Do you know why this is happening to me?"
    Decklin sighed before continuing. "Part of you is part of him, and all I can figure is that that part is calling out to him when you canna consciously control it. The spirit wants purely. It doesna see him as evil or dangerous; it sees that he is where it belongs and desires to be with him." he said kindly, with a wisdom only the elders have.
    Nova put her hands over her face, her eyes filling with tears. "I feel ashamed, like there is something wrong with me. I can't control it, and that scares me, but what scares me more is the need I feel for him. It's wrong and I know it. It's just... when I'm near him, it feels so right; scary and confusing, but underneath it all, it just feels right." Wiping her face with her palms, she laid her head on her Granda's shoulder, seeking comfort.
    Just then, Branna and Kyna had come into the room, rushing to Nova, comforting and assuring her they'd find a way to make it stop.
    "I will call for the Others, they may know how to help us with this." Decklin announced.
    "The Others?" questioned Kyna.
    "Yes, the remaining Tuatha De Danann, also known as the Others to the people of Ireland. They are a faerie like race that live in the Otherworld and they have an ancient, powerful magic. I believe they will have a bit o' magic to wrap Nova's spirit in protection or bind it to her if all else fails."
    Laughing, Branna said. "Faeries? Really? So, we are going to have a bunch of little winged freaks flying around, throwing magic dust everywhere?"
    "Branna, yer relentless sarcasm exhausts me. Furthermore, the Others are a noble, beautiful people who deserve and will receive our respect and gratitude, if they decide to help us at all. They can be a fierce ally, but they will not tolerate being crossed or ridiculed."
    Nova saw Branna's cheeks redden in embarrassment; none of them liked to have their Granda angry at them.
    "I apologize, Granda. I will represent our family with the utmost respect if they help us."
    Nova wondered aloud how they were going to get a message to the Otherworld to even request help.
    "You let me worry about the how, lass. For now, just concentrate on keeping yerself within yerself." Chuckling at his own joke, Decklin walked out of the cottage, presumably in search of a way to contact the Others.
    Branna turned and wrapped her arms around Nova. "Listen, it's going to be okay. We will chop his balls off if he tries to get at you again."
    Kyna came over and joined the group hug, then stepped back with a confused look on her face, "Wait, demons have balls and junk?" she asked.
    Nova and Branna just stared at her incredulously.
    "What?" Kyna said, still looking confused.
    Looking at each other, Nova and Branna couldn't contain themselves. Their laughter was so hysterically funny that Kyna couldn't help laughing too. Although, truth be told, Kyna still wanted to know if demons really had balls.

Chapter 9
    Nova and her sisters decided to walk into town to go to Paddy's, one of the local pubs. The streets were lined with quaint little shops, and everyone was so friendly, calling out a hello as they walked by. On their stroll, Nova took note of the number of churches they passed by. Just in the
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