Nova: Daughters of Darkness

Nova: Daughters of Darkness Read Online Free PDF

Book: Nova: Daughters of Darkness Read Online Free PDF
Author: A.J. Kane
little walk it took to get to Paddy's, she had counted four, and she knew from her Granda that there were a few more sprinkled throughout Drogheda too. One thing was for sure, these people took their religion very seriously.
    Arriving at Paddy's, they walked in to a haze of smoke and the smell of whiskey. The din, which had been deafening, all but ceased as everyone stopped to stare at Decklin's trio of granddaughters as they made their way to the bar. The conversations started up again, mostly about them now. Nova was sure she heard "fookin' witches" coming from a group of old men at the farthest end of the bar.
    Granda had warned them how some people in Ireland didn't believe in magic and even resented those who did.
    "Oh, don't mind them, harmless old ee-jits, the lot of them." The bartender said, walking up to them, wiping the bar with a towel he pulled from his back pocket. He had the hard look of a man who had seen hell and spit on its fire. His deep auburn hair had gone grey at the temples and his face was deeply lined around his mouth, which seemed to have a perpetual smile on it. His emerald eyes were his saving grace, they spoke of years past, filled with both happiness and sorrow, and were beautifully ringed by thick black lashes.
    Tucking the towel back in his pocket, the bartender held his hand out to Nova. "Seamus Kelly," he said, as he and Nova shook in greeting, then he turned to shake both Branna and Kyna's hands. Introductions made, he asked. "So, what can I get ye lasses?"
    "A pint of Guinness and a shot of whiskey for me" said Nova.
    "Make that two of each," said Branna
    "Do you have any white wine?" asked Kyna.
    The same group of old men tittered at this "canna even drink a wee pint."
    "Shut yer gobs, the lass can drink what pleases her." Seamus yelled down to the group. As he poured their drinks, they each took a seat on a bar stool and looked around taking in the environment. Listening to the lilting conversations around them was interesting. They ranged from politics to religion to sports and more sports, but all of them were lively and animated.
    Hours later, the girls had ingested a good portion of alcohol and Irish culture. The old men at the bar had finally warmed to them and kept them entertained with stories of the 'old country' all night. There had been many a song sung by the patrons, all it took was one to start and then everyone joined in. It had certainly been a night to remember.
    They settled their tab and were headed for the door when Kyna suddenly stopped. "Wait..."
    "What? Did you forget something?" asked Nova.
    "No, something's not right. There is a hole in my vision. I keep getting this black screen, like there's something coming, that I'm not supposed to see."
    "Let's go back to Granda's and see if he's been able to contact the Others. Maybe he can shed some light on your black screen." Branna said.
    Walking out into the night, they pulled their coats a little tighter to ward off the gentle rain that had started while they were inside. Turning the corner to go down the hill and they noticed two huge black dogs coming toward them. Upon closer inspection, they realized these weren't dogs at all, but dog like beasts with glowing red eyes.
    "What the hell are those things?" asked Branna.
    "I don't know, but I'm certainly not going to wait around to ask them," Nova replied. "Let's just go back to the pub, maybe they won't follow us." Even as she said it, Nova knew that these creatures meant their night had just turned bad...really bad.
    The girls slowly started backing up the way they had come. Noticing the retreat, both beasts charged at them with snapping jaws and deep, dangerous growls emanating from their chests.
    All three girls got into a fighting stance, preparing to meet these beasts head on. The first dog beast ran straight at them while the other started to come around to their backs. Kyna and Branna quickly spun so they were all back to back. Nova called her Earth element and
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