Nothing to Do With Pride
shifter. KC followed quickly afterwards, filling the air with the combined aroma of their essence. Slowly, careful to not rip his mate’s skin more than necessary, Dennis removed his fangs from KC’s body.
    Lapping at the wound, he sealed it enough to stop the bleeding but not enough to erase it completely. It would scar and tell others by both scent and mark that the younger man belonged to him.
    “We were right. We’re mates.”
    KC didn’t respond. Instead, the fox shifter struck. Dennis jerked as KC’s fangs plunged into the curve where his neck and shoulder met. He stilled, wanting to let his mate do whatever he needed to feel Dennis was marked. After a moment, KC released him, lapped half-heartedly at his wound then collapsed on his back.
    “Am I claimed properly now?” Dennis asked with a smile.
    “It’ll do.”
    Dennis knew for a complete mating KC needed to plant his seed inside Dennis’
    body…but that could wait for later. They had answered the important question. They were mates.
    KC lay on the bed, panting. His heart raced and his body tingled from spent desire.
    Turning his head, he marvelled at the handsome shifter beside him.
    I have a mate!
    He knew from the other shifters that gay men could have mates but he’d never expected to find one of his own.
    Dennis had self-esteem issues, but KC knew he could help with that. “Wanna move in with me?”
    The coyote shifter turned to look at KC. “Maybe after we find my sister. I have to make sure she’s all right…or put down if she’s dangerous.” The sadness in Dennis’ eyes told KC
    how much it would hurt his mate if he had to kill his sister.
    KC made a private vow to be the one to kill her if necessary. Dennis would never forgive himself if he had to be the one to end Candice’s life.

Just as he started drifting off, his cell phone rang. Blinking in the darkness, he snatched it up and pressed the answer button.
    “KC, buddy, how are you?”
    KC sat up straight. “Bob?”
    “Did I wake you?” His friend’s amused voice tamped down KC’s annoyance at being snapped out of his cosy post-coital glow.
    “No. What can I do for you?” Bob wasn’t one of those people who called just to chat. He was one of KC’s work contacts.
    “It’s what I can do for you. I heard you were looking for a crazy coyote.”
    KC’s grip on his phone tightened. “Did you find one?”
    “Yeah, but no one can get close enough to figure out if it is a girl or a boy but the coyote has been killing cattle all through Texas.”
    “I think our girl is a little more east but it’s worth checking out. Thanks for the call.”
    “You can thank me by letting me take you to dinner when you get here.” KC had hooked up with the human a few times, but before he could frame a proper refusal, Dennis ripped the phone from his hands.
    “KC appreciates you calling but he has a mate now. We’ll see you when we get to Texas.”
    Pressing the disconnect button, Dennis handed back the phone.
    “I was going to tell him no,” KC said. He tried to sound strict but he couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face. Possessive Dennis was freaking adorable.
    Dennis arched a brow. “Well, now you don’t have to.”
    KC gave into his amusement and laughed. “That’s very true.”
    “Is there any man who doesn’t want into your pants?”
    Patting his mate on the cheek, KC smiled. “I’m sure there are some men out there.”
    Dennis growled. “Have you met them?”
    “Come on—let’s get dressed. We’ve got a plane to catch.”
    * * * *
“You are not going off to Texas with this coyote to hunt down a psychotic cattle killer.
    Are you kidding me?”
    KC stared at the sheriff in shock. He never thought Lou would object to his trip.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “I thought you were going to make some phone calls—maybe hack a database or two—
    not put yourself in danger. You have no training as an agent of any kind and I don’t want you
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