Nothing to Do With Pride
killing Dennis, he could always feel the chill of Adrian’s wolf peeking out at him.
    It would be a relief to move in with KC after they dealt with Dennis’ sister. Maybe he could find some work around town. Though the chances for work were better in Seattle or even in Canada, he didn’t want to be far from his fox. Hell, if he did well on this trip, maybe he could help the sheriff do odd jobs.
    After grabbing a duffle bag he’d picked up a few weeks ago, Dennis quickly shoved some jeans and T-shirts inside. “I don’t have a lot of clothes. I had my stuff shipped from Seattle, but I mostly have work clothes.”
    KC shrugged. “I’m not exactly a fashion model myself, but I like nice things for my home.” KC’s home had a bit of luxury but it felt like a home. Dennis liked that about his place.
    As soon as Dennis’ clothes were packed, they headed out to find Talan.
    The shifter was in human form and pinning a wolf to the ground with his legs.
    “Is there a reason you have your mate pinned?” KC asked.
    Talan gave them a wide smile. “Yes.” The pride leader didn’t elaborate.
    “Oookay. We think we have a lead on Candice, so we’re heading out to Texas.”

“Take my private plane—Lou will worry less that way. I’ll call the pilot and alert him you’re coming. Also, talk to Dillon—he’ll get you a set of tranquiliser guns. That way if she’s bat-shit crazy, you can tranq her.”
    He looked down at Adrian, who gave him a disgruntled look. Whether it was due to Dennis or the fact he was pinned, KC didn’t know. A few minutes later, with the help of Dillon, they’d collected a pair of tranq guns. “Are you sure you don’t want any help?” Dillon looked up at them with hopeful eyes.
    “I’m sure we’ll be fine. Besides, if she sees anyone besides me she might freak out. She’ll disregard KC because he’s a fox shifter and she won’t see him as a threat.” Dillon nodded while KC glared. “What? It’s true.”
    “Foxes are more vicious than we’re generally given credit for.”
    Dennis rubbed KC’s shoulder. “I’m sure you are.”
    “Don’t make me bite you,” KC grumbled.
    Dillon shook his head. “See you guys later. Good luck finding your sister, Dennis.”
    After a quick trip to collect KC’s clothing, they headed for the private airport twenty miles away. “That was nice of Talan to loan us his plane,” KC said.
    Dennis nodded. “I think he’s trying to make up for the fact that his mate hates me.”
    “Possibly. Though I think Adrian’s warming up a little. He didn’t try to bite you when we went to say goodbye,” KC said.
    “I wasn’t sure if that was because Talan was all but sitting on him or not.”
    KC laughed. “Yeah, what was that about?”
    Dennis shrugged. “Alphas are weird. At least Talan is. I don’t really know any other alphas.”
    KC shrugged. “I think if Talan was any more laid back he’d be asleep.”
    Dennis laughed. “The only thing that makes Talan angry is anyone upsetting his mate.
    You want to see him in pure alpha mode—upset Adrian. I found out that, with a good throwing arm, you can skip a lion six times in the lake before they sink.”
    Giggling, KC asked, “Why did he toss the lion?”

“He used one of Adrian’s computers without permission and accidentally deleted a file.
    Adrian lost his temper. I actually think Talan tossed the other lion to save his life. They now have a no-using-Adrian’s-office policy.”
    “Probably a good idea.”
    The plane was shiny, pretty and had luxury seats…which was the full extent of Dennis’
    knowledge of planes. The captain was also a lion shifter, but an independent—not a member of Talan’s pack. Having been briefed on their trip already, he had them buckling in for take-off in a matter of minutes. They didn’t need much time to get clearance from the tiny air strip space where the plane was kept.
    “Did you notice this plane’s paint job is the
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