Nothing to Do With Pride
hurt. I will not permit this!”
    KC’s stomach dropped. Damn, he hated disappointing Lou. The man had done so much for him.
    Dennis stepped forwards, bristling with rage. KC grabbed him by the back of the shirt and pulled him away. “Don’t poke at the angry bear,” he warned. He knew Dennis’ mating instincts were coming forwards to protect KC at any cost.
    “You have something to say, coyote?” Lou’s eyes glowed with rage.
    The office door swung open. KC had never been so happy to see the lion shifter in his entire life. “James!”
    The surprise in James’ eyes told KC more than words ever could that he’d been less than friendly to the kind man. Jealousy had eaten at him, and even though he’d tried not to show his upset, apparently he hadn’t been completely successful. Now, with having his own mate, KC better understood how easily James had captured Lou’s affections.
    “What’s going on?” James looked at his mate for answers.
    “This coyote wants to take KC into the goddamn desert and look for a psychotic shifter.”
    James’ golden eyes took in the situation. KC could almost feel the intelligent man’s mind clicking through all the alternatives.
    “I’m sure Dennis will watch out for his mate. They can go and see if it is her before they figure out what to do next. They don’t have to confront her. They can do reconnaissance and call you at regular intervals.”
    Lou crossed his arms across his chest.
    “You have to let KC grow up sometime, hon.”
    It amused KC to see Lou try to stare down his mate. The lion shifter just looked back at him with calm golden eyes, not the least bit intimidated.

After a few minutes of having his mate stare at him without backing down, the sheriff rolled his eyes. “Fine, but I expect a phone call every three hours or I’m going to come there myself.”
    “Yes!” KC jumped up and down.
    Dennis wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Calm, love—we’re trying to convince the sheriff of your maturity.”
    “Oh, right.” KC stopped wiggling. “We’ll call. I promise.”
    Before KC could intervene, Lou grabbed Dennis and lifted him until his feet cleared the ground. “If anything happens to my friend, I will break every fucking bone in your body.”
    With each word, he shook Dennis to emphasise his point.
    “Lou, drop him.”
    At the sound of his mate’s voice, Lou opened his hand and released Dennis. Dennis landed neatly on his feet but didn’t dare move.
    James wrapped a hand around Lou’s thick arm. “I’m sure KC will need some travel money to help with this investigation.”
    Lou nodded. “Use the departmental card for hotel expenses and food. If she has indeed gone feral, it falls under public safety.”
    James opened his wallet and handed several bills over to KC. “This should get you started.”
    KC hugged James. “Thanks.”
    “No problem.” James lowered his voice. “Now get out of here before Lou snaps.”
    KC shoved the money into his pocket, grabbed Dennis’ wrist and shouted goodbye over his shoulder. “Let’s go get your clothes from the pack house.”
    “Okay. I should let them know I’m going, anyway. Talan will want to know. He likes to keep tabs on everyone.”
    As they left, KC heard Lou shouting, “What do you mean they’re mates?”
    2 Chapter Four
    As they entered the pack house, the sound of running met them as a small wolf raced past them, chased by a large lion.
    “I guess we’ll get your stuff, then talk to Talan.”
    Dennis agreed. His stomach knotted as he thought about confronting the lion shifter.
    Talan had never been anything but nice to him, however Dennis would have to go near Adrian in order to talk to the lion alpha. It was stupid to be scared of a small man who had never actually tried to harm him, but he never forgot he was in enemy territory. Adrian’s wolf didn’t approve of Dennis’ coyote, and as much as the human Adrian always treated him fairly after Talan had forbidden him from
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