Mr. Jack Is a Maniac!

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Book: Mr. Jack Is a Maniac! Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dan Gutman
leave it alone, zuh bear von’t bother us! Don’t make any sudden moves!”
    Everybody stopped moving. Everybody stopped talking. We all stared at the bear. The bear stared back at us. You could have heard a pin drop.
    Actually, I wish I’d had a pin. I could have used it against the bear.
    â€œHey,” Mrs. Jafee said. “The bear walked right through the door. Who was door closer for the day?”
    Everybody looked at me. I tried to make myself as small as possible.
    â€œLet’s not play zuh blame game,” said Dr. Brad. “Let me handle zis. At Ella Mentry School, vee alvays try to talk zings out. I vill try to reason vis zuh bear.”
    Dr. Brad went over to the bear.
    â€œNow, let’s be reasonable, bear,” he said. “Zees is our school. You live in zuh voods. So zuh logical zing vould be for you to go back to zuh voods and us to—”
    But Dr. Brad didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence, because the bear suddenly picked him up and threw him across the gym!
    Wow, that was the second time in a day that somebody had picked up Dr. Brad and thrown him. That had to be a record.
    It was amazing! You should have been there. We got to see it live and in person.

    â€œOoof!” said Dr. Brad when he landed on some foam pads near the bleachers. He seemed to be okay.

    The bear was looking around, like he was trying to decide who to mess with next.
    â€œWhat are we going to do now ?” somebody yelled.
    â€œMr. Klutz, you should take care of it,” said Ryan. “You’re the principal.”
    â€œWhat am I supposed to do?” asked Mr. Klutz, who looked as scared as anybody. “Send the bear to the principal’s office?”
    â€œYou could give the bear detention,” I said.
    â€œWave a red cloth in front of the bear,” suggested Alexia. “I saw that on TV once.”
    â€œThey do that with bulls , dumbhead,” said Andrea. “Not bears!”
    That’s when we realized we had a real black-belt self-defense expert right there in front of us.
    â€œGet him, Mr. Jack!” shouted Michael. “This is just the kind of emergency you were telling us about.”
    â€œYeah, you know karate and stuff,” I said. “You can break a block of ice with your head. Show him how tough you are, Mr. Jack!”

    â€œYeah!” everybody yelled. “Get him, Mr. Jack!”
    â€œWho, me?” asked Mr. Jack, taking a step backward. “I don’t know how to . . . I . . . uh . . . it’s a bear !”
    Mr. Jack looked like he was going to cry.
    â€œYou told us to expect the unexpected!” shouted Andrea. “Well, this is unexpected! Do something!”
    â€œYeah,” said Mr. Jack, “but when I told you to expect the unexpected, I wasn’t expecting this .”
    â€œToo bad the bear doesn’t have a glue stick,” I said. “Then Mr. Jack would know what to do.”
    â€œWhy don’t you break a big block of ice over the bear’s head?” Ryan shouted.
    â€œI’m afraid of bears!” Mr. Jack was whimpering and sobbing.
    â€œCome on, Mr. Jack!” said Mr. Klutz. “Man up! Go get him! You’re our only hope!”
    â€œI can’t,” Mr. Jack said, blubbering. “The bear will mess up my hair!”

    The bear got up on its hind legs and let out another roar. Everybody was frozen.
    Well, everybody wasn’t really frozen. If everybody had been frozen, we would have been made out of ice cubes.
    â€œWe’re all going to die!” whispered Emily. I’m sure she would have run out of the gym if the bear wasn’t blocking the door.
    That’s when Andrea whispered in my ear.
    â€œWe’ve got to do something, Arlo!”
    â€œWe? Like what ?” I whispered back. “What are we going to do? Leave me out of this.”
    â€œCome on!”
    Andrea grabbed my hand and pulled me
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