More Than Chains To Bind

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Book: More Than Chains To Bind Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stevie Woods
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
interest in him so obvious.
    We were led from the quay past other ships loading or unloading cargo, but we didn't see any more slaves being brought ashore. We walked down a narrow, twisting path, passing a small fish market on one side opposite a long, low building with a swinging sign indicating it was an inn of some kind. As we came to the end of the narrow path, we found ourselves on a wide paved street, with high buildings on each side made of stone with tiled roofs. I couldn't tell how big, or otherwise, the place was.
    The area did not seem very busy, just a few people walking or riding horses, and once I saw a wagon down a side street. Toward the end of the avenue, I saw more people and I realized I was seeing this society's version of a shop. It had no glazed windows or doors; the whole interior area was exposed to the street with awnings open to either side. The roof was formed by another large sheet of canvas. Inside, customers milled about, inspecting the items for sale. As we were marched past, no one seemed to take any notice of the long line of chained men and women. It was apparent slavery was a part of life here.
    The climate was very similar to what we were used to, maybe even a little warmer as we were farther south. Just as I was wondering how much farther we would have to walk, we were led off the main thoroughfare down a narrow side street, which ended in a pair of very heavy wooden gates about nine feet high.
    Cor'lyn called out and a man leaned over from the top of the gate, presumably on a walkway up there, patrolling perhaps. The man called to someone below and there was the distinct sound of a lock being turned, a large lock by the sound of it. Then the gates swung open, and we were led inside.
    We entered a large open area, which I could only think of as a compound with its hard, sandy ground. It was roughly hexagonal in shape and its perimeter was bordered by large constructs. There were four distinct buildings with double doors opening into the compound, each separated by the continuing wall, as tall as the gates, but slightly lower than the buildings. Inset into each section of wall was a gate, four in all, like points on a compass.
    I supposed this was some kind of holding pen for the slaves before the sale took place. I felt a frisson of fear wondering what kind of future we were facing here. I looked around, trying to find Hollis, and I saw the guards push him and his companion back to maintain a line across the centre of the compound. It was only then I realized the women were continuing to the gate opposite and they were taken through, the exit closing behind them.
    Hollis had managed to stand a little ahead of the line so he could see me, and we traded a glance before he was forced to step back.

Chapter 4
    Our "host" had at last decided to introduce himself, odd name though it was. Though, at his next statement, even if I'd been allowed to say anything I'd have been speechless! Mr. Tall-good-looking had stood there and calmly told us we'd be sold only after we'd been trained.
    Trained, damn it!
    "You'll remain here in the training area," Cor'lyn went on, "and you'll be schooled to fight with a variety of weapons and in unarmed combat. When I consider you are ready, you'll be sent to the market, where patrons will bid against each other to purchase the best combatants. I warn you to give of your best while being schooled; it will gain you nothing but pain to disobey."
    What kind of society was this? People taken into slavery for little more than some kind of barbaric entertainment! No wonder they'd only wanted the young and strong. I thanked my lucky stars that, for whatever reason, the leader of this group had decided to bring me along, too.
    I wasn't worried about the instruction we were supposed to undergo--there wasn't a weapon made I couldn't use--but I was worried about Liander. While I had taught him enough he could competently protect himself, he was no warrior. It hit me then
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