More Than Chains To Bind

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Book: More Than Chains To Bind Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stevie Woods
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
I wished Hollis could have joined us in this hall... Damn, but I wish I was chained to him. Lords, I've got to stop letting my libido take over my higher brain function! I never even knew I was remotely wired that way, but the idea of Hollis in chains...
    What the hell had I been thinking about? Oh yes, Hollis and that weasel Fortil. Hollis had been furious enough at the looks Fortil gave me. If my Guardian were in there with us, I'd have had to drag Hollis off him if he'd heard even one of Fortil's more imaginative suggestions.
    The guard directed us through the gates and into the hall. The interior was much larger than I expected. It was divided into sections by six thick columns supporting the domed ceiling. Depressingly, it had no windows I could see out, just four very high up, one in each arch of the roof so at least the sky was visible. Since there were eight pairs of slaves, we split up, each pair finding a comfortable bit of the hall to call their own. Most had migrated toward one of the columns, as had Fortil and I.
    On the way in, each of us had been given a blanket and a rough piece of cloth, which I assumed was their idea of a towel. I looked around and spotted the toilet facilities--in the most generous use of the term--at the far end of the hall. I walked over to inspect them, and Fortil was forced, somewhat reluctantly, to accompany me. I discovered the pool in which I supposed we were to bathe. It was a large tiled rectangle sunk about a meter below floor level, one of the narrow ends abutting the outside wall.
    I was intrigued to see the simple yet ingenious method of supplying fresh water to both the pool and the waste facilities. In the end of the rectangular pool, where it joined the outside wall, were a series of small, drilled holes through which water continuously flowed. At the opposite end was another series of holes, a little smaller, allowing the water to flow out and continually flush the narrow waste channel, flowing away under another section of the outside wall. It was a permanent system of fresh running water. I trailed my hand in the pool, expecting the water to be cold, and was surprised to find it pleasantly lukewarm.
    Lost in what Hollis referred to as my culture mode, I'd forgotten Fortil was with me until his voice close to my ear reminded me.
    "I can help clean that hard body of yours." His voice rasped, his hot breath brushing my ear and making me pull back. "Rub your soft tender skin, pass my hands over every delicate inch of you," he finished, slowly licking his lower lip.
    My stomach roiled and in a voice I think Hollis would have been proud of, I snarled, "You lay one finger on me and I'll take pleasure in breaking it!"
    He smirked at me and took a step back, pulling on the chain as he did so. I had to quickly regain control of my balance or I'd have fallen into the pool.
    "I don't suppose our new master would look too kindly on you if you tried to damage one of his new slaves," he mocked me. "They chained us together and I don't have a problem with that. I've been telling you for weeks now what I'd like to do to you.
    "You don't have anyone looking out for you any more, little prince. Your Guardian, Hollis," he said the name with disdain, "is a loooong way away. It's just you and me and me."
    The leer he gave me was so suggestive I thought I'd throw up. Pulling on the ankle chain myself, I said angrily, "Chains won't make me any more available to you. As you said, they won't like one of the new slaves damaged, but I'd rather be punished by them than touched by you. You try and touch me and I'll prove it."
    He laughed at me. "You're a spoiled prince, who is nothing without a guardian," he said with derision.
    His opinion of me was clear. I needed looking after, but now I had no protection, I was fair game. Well, I had no qualms at all about disillusioning him. Hollis had taught me quite a lot. While I might not be anywhere near his level of competence, I knew I could look
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