Mind Calm

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Book: Mind Calm Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sandy C. Newbigging
Tags: Meditation
rise above resistance is simply to say bring it on to whatever you happen to be resisting. Simple yes, but powerful, absolutely! Remember: resisting what is , is a core, hidden cause of having a hectic mind. Resistance makes your mind mull over the whys, whats, hows and what ifs of the situation - making it very easy to get lost in all of the stories. Whereas saying ‘bring it on’ to what you’re resisting means you can witness something quite remarkable happen: those external forces of circumstance lose their power over your inner experience of life. Amazingly, you can see how they actually needed you NOT to want them,in order to have any authority over your wellbeing. Stop resisting and you immediately feel better.
    Turn to what it is you think you don’t want
and welcome it with a wide-open mind.
    Bring it on is a powerful antidote to judgement and resistance. However, again, let me reiterate. I’m not saying you cannot improve things. But instead, the three words ‘bring it on’ are a determining factor in whether you experience stress, negative emotions and copious amounts of thoughts as you go about changing things, or whether you remain calm.
Hidden cause 3: The Attach Catch
    Attachment happens whenever you believe that being, doing or having x, y or z will make you happier, peaceful, loved, successful or some other desirable state. Being attached makes you move away from wanting certain things to believing that you need them to be OK. Attachment is based upon the illusion that you can’t feel good now without fixing, changing or improving particular aspects of your body or life first. However, as you’ve already discovered, feeling calm, content and connected comes from no longer buying into the judgements happening in your mind or resisting life.
    Growing up you probably learned what a good life looks like. How much money you should have, the kind of house you should live in, the type of person you should end up with, the shape of body you should have, even the make and model of car you should drive… the list goes on and on.The criteria for a good life are perpetuated in the movies and media, and can often be unintentionally instilled by our parents and peers. Predictably you can pick up a checklist of requirements in order to enjoy a happy and successful life.
    Highly motivated to achieve this good life - as, let’s face it, your experience of happiness, peace, love and success depends on it - we take our rulebook of requirements and set about doing everything we possibly can to make it all happen.
    I spent countless hours setting goals and working hard to achieve them. Totally lost in a ‘I’ll be happy when’ mentality, I was waiting to feel calm and contented in the future; when I’d ticked off my list everything I thought needed to happen. It was not only tiring but also torturous, especially as I couldn’t help noticing how, even when I reached my goals, I only felt good for a short while.
Temporary highs at best
    Inadvertently being attached to future outcomes meant that my happiness and peace were only ever fleeting. Whenever I got what I thought I needed, my goalposts would always move to the next big milestone and then the next.
    I remember getting into a convertible I’d just bought. Before leaving the showroom, I sat for a few moments looking around at my new purchase. I felt great! Then I looked to my right and noticed a little scratch on the side panel and thought: Oh well, I’ll be happy when I get that fixed!
    Sitting in my expensive convertible, which I’d spent years working to get, my mind gave me about five seconds of pure joy before it found something to judge negatively and resist. Can you relate to this? Without realizing it at the time, I had immediately become attached to the scratch being removed before I could fully enjoy the car again. This is just one example of the many times when I inadvertently fell into what
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