Mind Calm

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Book: Mind Calm Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sandy C. Newbigging
Tags: Meditation
mind might immediately defend its previous position by justifying why the problem is, in fact, bad, negative, wrong or worse.
    Whenever you start playing with ‘it just is’ - be ready for your mind to bring out its big guns, evidence and reasoning! It may want to start defending its previous position by justifying why the problem is , in fact, bad, negative, wrong or worse. It might say, it’s a problem because… and give some reasons why what you’re suggesting ‘just is’ is actually a problem. This is all part of the Judgement Game, so see it, don’t be it. The less you engage in the Judgement Game the calmer your mind will be naturally. Waking up to the mind’s judgmental tendencies is so vital, as otherwise you’ll find it difficult to heal the next hidden cause of having a chaotic mind.
Hidden cause 2: The Resist Persist
    Joined at the hip with the Judgement Game is resistance. The mind often starts resisting whatever it has just judged as bad, negative, wrong or worse. Although it may seem natural to push away ‘bad’ things, moving on, unaware of this hidden cause, leads to a very active mind - due to what happens when you resist things.
    Let’s have another behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of the mind. Whenever something happens, your mind immediately jumps into gear - judging whether it is good or bad, positive or negative, right or wrong, or better or worse. We know this by now, but the next unseen habit of the mind is another major cause of overthinking that you must see if you want to be more calm and contented moving forward.
    When the mind decides something is good, positive, right and better then it will allow it. This makes sense: it is good, positive, right and better after all! But the game changer that you may not have previously considered is…
    It is your optimistic judgements and
subsequent inner allowing of ‘what is’
that is the cause of your good feelings.
No person, place or event makes you feel
good, but your inner allowing does.
    Take a moment to process this idea. Before, I thought my relationship, money, or new car were the determining factors in making me feel good. In reality, however, it was actually when things happened that my mind judged as good, positive, right or better, that I would allow them to be. I would have a moment of being at peace with ‘what is’, in which I didn’t need my moment to be any different. Or, in other words, I accepted things as they were and had harmony with life in these moments. It turns out, however, that it has always been my allowance of ‘what is’ that has been the real source of my happiness and contentment. Wow!
The product of pushing life away
    However, and it is a big HOWEVER! If your mind judges something as bad, negative, wrong or worse then it is very common for it to start resisting it automatically. Although pushing away negativity may seem both reasonable and logical, it is a major hidden cause of much stress, anguish, heartache and mental chaos.
    Prior to exploring the true impact of pushing life events away, I thought it was the people, places, events and things happening that ‘made me feel bad’. In reality, however, it was actually my inner mind-made judgements and subsequent resistance that were the cause of all those ‘negative’ emotions. Quite remarkable really! I spent so many hours working hard to fix, change and improve my body and life so that I could feel good, when all the time my feelings had very little to do with any external factors.
    Anger, sadness, fear, guilt, grief, hurt and any other unfavourable feeling you care to mention require negative judgements and resistance in order to exist. Seeing this not only gives you great insight into how to feel fantastic more often - i.e. suspend judgements and remove reactive resistances - but it also shines another illuminating light on how to enjoy more mind calm.
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