Me and My Ghoulfriends

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Book: Me and My Ghoulfriends Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rose Pressey
    “Actually, Miss Smarty Pants, I came to see if you needed any help today. I thought maybe you might need help straightening books or cleaning up.”
    “Yeah, right. Since when do you ever worry if I need any help?”
    She flounced out her hip and placed her hand squarely on it. “I resent that comment! You just went in there to see the new guy. Admit it.”
    “All right. All right. You caught me red handed, chocolate covered cherry in hand.” I smirked and dangled my coffee cup in front of her face. “I went next door, so what?”
    “So when are you going out with him?” Mindy slipped the doughnuts from the bag and placed them on napkins in front of us. She immediately began stuffing one in her mouth.
    “Ha. I barely spoke to him.”
    I glanced over to see that Abe had reappeared and was standing next to the little old lady. I’d love to have seen her face if she’d known Abraham Lincoln was reading over her shoulder. Although I was pretty sure that would cause her to never set foot in my bookstore again. I shot Abe another warning glare to be on the safe side.
    Ignoring Mindy’s gaze I looked down at the napkin, with the tasty treat placed squarely on top, lying on the counter taunting me. The glaze on the doughnut was gleaming under the light and I couldn’t resist it any longer. I grabbed the pastry before Mindy had a chance to eat it herself.
    Damn her for bringing that evil enticement around me. My mouth was watering as I broke off a piece of the doughnut, like breaking it off in pieces would make it less fattening or make me eat less of it. Trying to ignore Abe, who was following the woman around the store at that point, I focused my eyes on my irritated friend instead; I couldn’t avoid her glare any longer.
    After stuffing the last piece of her doughnut in her mouth and practically swallowing it in one bite, she said, “Tell me, why did you barely speak to that gorgeous man? Have you completely lost your mind?”
    “I spoke to him. What was I supposed to do? Ask him out?”
    She eyed me for a second, pondering the thought.
    “Yes,” she said pointedly.
    “That’s never going to happen. I tried that once, remember?” I said as I put another piece of the blueberry yummy in my mouth.
    At Mindy’s urging, a couple of years ago I’d tried to ask someone out and it had been a complete disaster. Mindy had told me the editor of the local newspaper had said I was cute . The next time I saw him, I walked right up to him and asked him out.
    Turned out he wasn’t interested in me. In fact, he wasn’t interested in any women. He had a boyfriend and I don’t think he’d meant cute in the way she thought. Mindy had a tendency only to hear things the way she wanted to hear them.
    “Are you still talking about that? All right, I may recall a slight incident, but that was an honest mistake. So one time didn’t work out, it doesn’t mean you should never try again.”
    “That’s exactly what it means!”
    The old woman raised her head suspiciously and looked at us. Quickly she set down her book and walked toward the door.
    “Thank you! Come again,” I said, giving her my friendliest smile possible.
    “See what you did? You ran off my customer. Probably the only one I’ll have today,” I whispered. I flashed Mindy the evil eye.
    “Oh, she wasn’t going to buy anything anyway.” Mindy waved her hand dismissively, and then grabbed the last bite of my doughnut.
    “Hey! That’s mine.” I protested.
    She smiled sheepishly, her mouth stuffed with doughnut. “So, what did you say to him? I want details.”
    “Maybe next time I should take a recorder with me so you can have a play by play.” Hmm. Maybe I shouldn’t put ideas in her head. With Mindy, that could be a very bad thing.
    Mindy laughed. “That’s a fantastic idea.”
    “He just asked me about the store and said he was
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