Me and My Ghoulfriends

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Book: Me and My Ghoulfriends Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rose Pressey
since we began construction work on the mansion. I had no idea a little construction work could stir up such bizarre activity. But I guess that’s what happened. Honestly, we don’t know what to do. We’re at our wits’ end. I really can’t handle it anymore. I decided to find someone to help and that’s when I found you. I’ve heard you’re the best person to contact for these things. You do get rid of ghosts? At least that’s what I was told.”
    “I’m so glad you called, Monica. I’d love to help you any way I can, and I’ll do my best. Can you tell me what’s been happening there? Just share some of the encounters with me?”
    “Well, like I said, about a year ago we began some maintenance work on the mansion. It’s needed repairs for years, but we’ve just recently gotten the funding for it. After the work began, strange occurrences started. At first, the workers’ tools would vanish, only to be found later in the exact location they’d left them. I was witness to that with my own eyes. Then voices could be heard throughout the mansion, murmurs really. Sometimes you can make out words and I’ve even heard my name called out, as well. Recently, people have spotted an apparition. And… This is very hard for me to say…” She paused.
    “I understand how frightening all of this can be for you. Please remember I’m here to help you any way I can. You can tell me anything, I’ve seen it all.”
    “I was…” she paused again, and let out a pent-up breath.
    Clearly, she had reasons to be very frightened by her experiences with the unknown. I sympathized with her because I knew how terrifying it could be. I could sense the uneasiness oozing through the receiver like current flowing through wires. What could have scared her so badly? I was about to find out for myself.
    “I was violently pushed down the stairs yesterday,” she finally mumbled.
    “I’m so sorry to hear that. Were you injured? Are you all right? That’s absolutely terrible.”
    “Needless to say, I was extremely shaken up. I feel like I can’t go back to work until this spirit or whatever it is, is gone. I just can’t force myself to go in there before something is done. I pray you can help me.”
    “Don’t worry, I can help you. I can be there as early as this weekend. Would that work for you?”
    “Two days?” She hesitated. “Yes, I suppose that will be fine,” she said reluctantly. “I’ll take tomorrow off. Like I said, I can’t go in there.”
    “I’d come sooner, but I’ll have to get someone to run my store for me. I’m terribly sorry I can’t make it before that.”
    “I understand completely. I’m just thankful for your help. I hope it’s not too big an inconvenience for you?”
    The bell chimed and I glanced up to see who had entered. My stomach did a somersault when I saw who was steadily walking toward me.

                  Me and My Ghoulfriends
    Chapter 3
    Callahan and his gorgeous smile were moving my way. The best way I would describe my expression would probably be gawking. I was gawking at him. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
    “Hello, Miss Donavan? Are you still there?” Monica’s voice snapped me from my musings.
    “Um, er. Yes, I’m still here. Sorry, I had a customer walk in. I’ll take down your number and give you a call as soon as I arrive in Greensburg.”
    “Thank you so much, this means so much to me. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
    “Maybe you’d better not thank me until your problem is solved.” I didn’t want her to get her hopes up too much. What if I couldn’t get rid of the spirit?
    Callahan was eyeing me as he leafed through Stephen King’s latest book. What could he possibly be doing here? Duh. I’m so stupid. Of course, he’d come for a book. Why else would he be in a bookstore?
    But… What if by some crazy chance he’d come to ask
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