They Were Born Upon Ashes
stayed to fulfill his oath or gone with the group he was with now. He felt glad that his friend did not make a choice like that. But he also knew that if the six decided to spread across every city, then Thomas would have to make that choice in due time.
    Nick felt happy in that moment. He did not have everything in the world. He missed his parents dearly and the home in which he grew up. But he was thankful for the opportunities that had been presented to him in what is turning out to be a cruel world. He knew nothing in life would be perfect. He had stopped hoping for perfection a long time ago. He had been given a second chance on life and now an opportunity to serve Hentrio in the past few days. He knew he had to make the best of his opportunities.

Chapter Three
    Nick lay down on a bed of leaves along the main road. Andrew, Jeffrey, and Jacob surrounded him. The moon was fully up in the night sky by now. It was not quite a full moon; it had begun to undergo the waning phase. The night was still not as dark as it could be. The moon shined down brightly and there was a cold breeze that seemed to come along with it.
    “Do we have to do this tonight?” asked Nick.
    “Yes, we do not have time to spare,” said Andrew.
    “I would feel more comfortable doing this when Phillip arrives,” said Nick. “I just need to know that he will make it here.”
    “Nick, you have to take it now,” said Jeffrey. “We understand if you’re nervous; you’re risking your life here. I was nervous when I went in too.”
    Nick looked at Jacob, then back at Jeffrey and asked him, “So what does Jacob do to help in this process?”
    “I’m here to watch someone undergo the process. I’m not here to help,” said Jacob. “I’m interested, to say the least.”
    “There won’t be much to see,” said Andrew. “It’s going to appear that Nick is sleeping. At least for the most part. He will jerk around a bit, but what he sees is what he sees. We will never fully grasp what Nick will see or go through when he eats the shango plant.”
    “Can you explain what this plant is?” asked Nick. “And also what I might experience after I eat it?”
    “Nick, you are looking at the most experienced supreme Reza on the planet,” said Andrew. “It’s not because I am the eldest but because I have given this plant to ten other Rezas in the past. Seven of them survived the experience and three of them have not.”
    “That’s not exactly reassuring,” said Nick.
    “I know it’s not, Nick,” said Andrew. “But those are the facts. I will be completely upfront and honest about it. This plant is only grown on Mount Kisa near the border of Hentrio and Terrel and is very hard to find. The effects are unknown to everyone except for the king’s council, of course. If you’d like I can tell you what I experienced when I ate the plant fifty years ago.”
    “Yes, of course, what did you experience?” asked Nick.
    “Very well. I experienced three tests,” said Andrew. “Everyone does. Each test represents a power a Reza has within them that only the psychedelic effects of the shango plant can unlock. Your life will be in danger three times and you must find the powers within you to pass each test. Some supreme Rezas who have passed the test over the centuries believe in the rumor that those who do not pass a test are those that never wake up. They die in their subconscious, although no one has any proof of that rumor because unfortunately dead men do not talk. Every supreme Reza I have come across has passed all three tests.”
    “Seems interesting. I hope the risk is worth the reward,” said Nick.
    “Yes, the risk is worth the reward,” said Jeffrey. “You will be able to help protect the realm with your newfound powers should you accept.”
    “Yes. I accept. I’m ready as I’ll ever be. Give me the plant.”
    Andrew walked over towards the front of the fire and grabbed a bowl that was next to it. It had a handful of the leaves from
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