Magic Puppy: Cloud Capers

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Book: Magic Puppy: Cloud Capers Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sue Bentley
mouth and huffed out a cloud of tiny gold sparks as fine as gold dust. The glittering mist swirled around Jessica’s leg. The pain in her knee felt very hot for a second and then it turned ice cold and completely drained away like water gurgling down a drain.
    ‘Thanks, Storm. I’m fine now,’ she said, quickly putting him on the ground and getting to her feet just as her mum reached her.
    ‘You silly girl! Whatever made you run after that puppy? You could have been badly injured!’ Mrs Tennant scolded, looking all red-faced and shaky. ‘Where is the little mite, anyway?’
    ‘It… er… ran away through the h-hedge,’ Jessica gabbled hurriedly. ‘It must have been a stray. Anyway, I’m all right, Mum. Don’t fuss!’
    ‘Jessica Tennant…’ her mum said darkly, looking as if she was about to make a very big fuss indeed.
    Jessica swallowed and decided that it might be sensible to change the subject.‘Hadn’t we better go and help Dad and the others?’ she said hastily.
    With Storm haring after her, she marched across the field to where Kim, her dad and the others were dealing with the balloon.


    That evening, the weather was perfect and the balloons were flying. Jessica decided to stay behind with Storm this time. She found a stall selling candyfloss and then one selling pet food and bought him a dog treat.
    They went over towards the old pavilion, where it wasn’t so crowded, to sit on the grass and eat.
    ‘When do we go back to your home place, Jessica?’ Storm woofed around a crunchy mouthful.
    ‘Tomorrow. There’s another race at 6 a.m. and then the prize-giving. After that we’ll set off home,’ she replied. ‘I can’t wait for you to meet Sheena. She’s going to love you!’
    ‘I am sorry, Jessica, but you cannot tell anyone about me. Not even yourfriend.’ Storm’s big dewy blue eyes were serious.

    ‘Oh.’ Jessica felt disappointed that she couldn’t even tell her best friend about Storm, but if that would keep him safe, she didn’t mind too much.
    Jessica ate the last of her candyfloss. She licked her fingers and stood up. ‘Finished?’ she said to Storm.
    Storm nodded. He leapt to his feet and set off across the well-kept grass.
    An old crisp packet blew about and Storm’s bright eyes sparked with mischief as he pounced on it.
    Tossing his head from side to side, he tore around with the packet in his mouth.
    Jessica smiled at his cute antics.Sometimes it was hard to believe that the cheeky pup was really a majestic young silver-grey wolf who would one day lead his pack.
    Suddenly, Storm stopped. He stood there quivering with concentration for a few seconds and then gave a loud yelp of terror and bolted straight into a flower bed.
    Jessica stiffened. But she couldn’t see what had frightened Storm. Whatever could be wrong? She raced over to the flower bed and began peering beneath a flowering bush.
    ‘Storm? Where are you?’ she called anxiously.
    At first she couldn’t see any sign of the little puppy, but then she spotted him. He was tucked into a tight ballin a space between two drooping branches.
    ‘Is this a game or something? Oh, I get it. You’re playing a trick on me!’ she said, smiling, but then her face straightened as she saw that he was trembling all over.
    ‘I saw a huge dog over by that tree. I think Shadow has used his magic to turn it into a wolf and send it after me!’ Storm whined.
    Jessica felt a clutch of fear. If Storm’s enemy had found him, the tiny puppy was in terrible danger.
    She glanced anxiously towards the tree and saw a woman with a big German shepherd dog on a lead. The dog saw her looking and its tongue lolled in a friendly doggy grin.
    ‘Those dogs look a bit like wolves, but that one seems gentle,’ Jessica whispered uncertainly as the woman and her dog came closer. ‘How will I know if it’s under a magic spell?’
    ‘It will have fierce pale eyes and extra-long sharp teeth,’ Storm whined nervously.
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