Magic Puppy: Cloud Capers

Magic Puppy: Cloud Capers Read Online Free PDF

Book: Magic Puppy: Cloud Capers Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sue Bentley
looked at the German shepherd again. ‘It doesn’t look like that. I think it’s OK.’
    Storm crawled forward with his belly close to the ground and his tail between his legs. He peered through the drooping branches at the big dog and Jessica saw him gradually relax.
    ‘You are right. I am mistaken this time. But if Shadow finds me, he will use his magic to hunt me down.’
    Jessica felt a surge of protectiveness. She bent down and picked Storm up as he crept out from under the bush. She could feel his little heart beating fast against her fingers. ‘I hope that horrible Shadow never finds you and then you can come home with me and stay forever!’
    Storm looked up at her. ‘One day, I must return to my own world to helpmy mother and become leader of the Moon-claw pack. Do you understand that, Jessica?’ he yapped gently.

    Jessica nodded, but she didn’t want to think about that right now. ‘You’ve had a nasty scare. Let’s go back to the camper and spend some quiet time together,’ she said, changing the subject.
    Storm reached up to lick her chin. ‘I would like that,’ he barked.
    Jessica carried Storm to the car park. As they came in sight of their camper, the door opened and a girl peered out. After a quick look around, she climbed down and hurried away.
    ‘That was Gayle. What’s she doing in our camper?’ Jessica wondered.
    Storm frowned. ‘I do not know.’
    ‘Maybe Mum came back to fetchsomething and Gayle was chatting to her,’ Jessica said, knowing how Gayle was always careful to be on her best behaviour around adults.
    But when she went inside, she saw that the camper was empty.
    Storm stood with his head on one side.
    ‘What is it?’ Jessica asked him.
    ‘Something is different…’ Tiny gold sparks began twinkling in Storm’s fur and his wet brown nose began to glow like a gold nugget. With a triumphant woof he jumped up on to the back seat and began rooting about behind a cushion. A moment later, he emerged holding something in his mouth.
    It was a gold necklace with a blue, heart-shaped stone.
    Jessica recognized it. ‘That’s Gayle’s new necklace. She must have put it there. But why?’
    ‘I think I know why!’ Storm barked and then he pricked up his ears. ‘Someone is coming!’ He picked up the necklace and dashed out of the open door with it in his mouth.
    Puzzled, Jessica followed hard on his heels. ‘Storm? What’s going on? Where are you go–’ she started to ask and then stopped herself quickly as she saw Gayle and her mum standing there.
    Mrs Young was wearing a frilly blue dress and high heels. She had one arm round Gayle, who was dabbing at her eyes with a tissue.
    ‘I want a word with you, young lady!’ Mrs Young said at once. ‘Gayle’s lost hernew necklace and she thinks that you might know something about it!’
    ‘Me?’ Jessica said, almost speechless.
    Gayle grinned slyly. ‘Don’t try and look innocent,’ she sniffled. ‘I know you took it.’
    Jessica couldn’t believe her ears. ‘I couldn’t care less about your stupid necklace. I didn’t take it!’ she burst out.
    ‘Huh! You would say that!’ Gayle sneered. ‘I bet you’ve hidden it inside the camper. Come on, Mum, let’s go inside and look for it.’
    ‘Now wait just a minute!’ said a deep voice behind them.
    ‘Dad!’ Jessica gave a cry of relief as her dad stepped forward.
    ‘I heard all that,’ he said. ‘And I can assure you that my daughter’s no thief.If Jessica says she didn’t take the necklace, I believe her.’

    Mrs Young gave him a charming smile. Her teeth were very white against her bright-pink lipstick. ‘In that case, you won’t mind if we come into your camper and have a look.’
    ‘I certainly do mind! Gayle’s probably dropped that necklace somewhere. I suggest you go and look for it, before you come here making wildaccusations,’ Mr Tennant said calmly.
    ‘Well! If that’s your attitude,’ Mrs Young said indignantly, drawing herself up. ‘You
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