Loving an Ugly Beast

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Book: Loving an Ugly Beast Read Online Free PDF
Author: Danielle Monsch
Tags: Romance, Fairy Tales & Ever Afters
decides he’s better off without either of us.”
    Nissa hopped down from the stool and, after giving a sigh meant for Marie’s ears alone, walked over to his table. “Good afternoon, sir. What can I get you?”
    The man’s eyes met hers and something strange happened. He did not look away with the instinctive grimace most attractive people displayed when looking at those less blessed in the looks department. Instead his eyes focused on her with an intensity that froze breath in her lungs, and his lips curved upwards into a small but devastating grin. “I would like a pint to start, and whatever food is warm and ready to be served will be fine.”
    Wow . There was handsome, but this man was beyond beautiful. That smile alone would have women fainting in his wake. “Certainly. I’ll be back in a moment.”
    Marie was already pouring his drink when Nissa made it back to the bar. Her neck tingled, and Nissa turned to see the stranger’s eyes fixed on her. This was turning out to be a very unusual encounter.
    Tara’s shaking her arms brought Nissa’s attention back to the gaggle of women. “You have to ask him about his history. Where he comes from, what he does—”
    “Is he married?” piped up a small redhead in the back, and all the women grunted in agreement with that question.
    “You do know I’m only the waitress, right? Ask him yourself later.”
    Tara took the pint from Marie and handed it to Nissa. “Find out what you can.”
    “I better see some money from this,” Nissa muttered, returning to the table.
    The smile was still on the man’s face, but softer. It was a smile you gave when you were truly glad someone was with you. He motioned to the seat across from him after she set the drink down. “Would you care to sit with me? You don’t look busy.”
    This was taking on shades of the surreal. The only remarkable trait about Nissa was how unremarkable she was. Perhaps it was harsh, but experience had taught her over and over that beautiful people did not like to associate with not-beautiful people, at least without a reason. And she and this man were on opposite sides of that divide.
    But even as cynical thoughts twisted through her mind, a small voice rose, a voice that had been weak and out of use for such a long time, but was steadily growing stronger and louder because of her love for Benton. A voice she once relied on to guide her. A voice that believed in the better nature of people.
    This voice told her to quit being harsh. Quit judging. Sit with a lonely man, and if in the end this was a game, so what? It would only reflect poorly on him.
    Nissa still wasn’t comfortable with that voice, but she sat across from him anyway. “I’m Nissa.”
    “Byron,” he returned, his eyes crinkling slightly with the widening of his smile. “Thank you for staying. I haven’t had anyone to converse with during my travels. It’s nice to have company.”
    That seemed reasonable enough. It didn’t explain the staring, but one step at a time. “Where are you traveling to?”
    “Here. I’m staying here, in this town.” As he spoke, his gaze never left her. Nissa could hear the little feminine noises from the group of women – over-loud laughs and sounds of items dropping, a situation any gentleman would help the lady out by retrieving said items. But Byron’s full attention stayed with her.
    “Oh? And what do you do?” After all, if she was going to be grilled the moment he left the tavern, she might as well learn a few things so Tara and the other women would leave her alone sooner.
    “I’m an artist. I travel and paint. I’ve heard a lot about this town these last few months, so I let the wind carry me here.”
    “How long will you stay?”
    His lips lost the hint of smile and his eyes returned to their earlier intensity. “I’m here until my wish comes true.”

    Chapter Four
    He was Byron now.
    Benton no longer existed, hadn’t for two weeks now. Sara had made that very
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