Loving an Ugly Beast

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Book: Loving an Ugly Beast Read Online Free PDF
Author: Danielle Monsch
Tags: Romance, Fairy Tales & Ever Afters
clock struck the hour, a reminder of where he’d been heading when Tara caught him. “If you’ll excuse me, Councilor Hale, Tara, I need to do some sketching while the light is still good.” With a tip of his hat, he retreated and headed towards the path that would eventually lead him to his – Benton’s – cabin.
    When he reached his destination his breathing was heavy and his chest ached with exertion, both unknown occurrences before the transformation.
    He wouldn’t think of it. He could look in the mirror and not see a monster. He could walk down the street without frightening people. He could give Nissa a good life with a husband she would be proud to be seen with, a life where they could live in town with people and not be relegated to the edges of it. The burn in his chest was a small price to pay.
    “What are you doing here?”
    The third surprise of the day, but this one was welcome. Nissa was underneath her tree. She had been reading but was now rose to meet him.
    “I’m sorry to disturb you. I heard the lake was beautiful and it was suggested I might enjoy sketching it.” It was a good enough story and would allay any concern of him following her. He doubted she would worry overmuch about this new man finding Benton’s cabin. As far as she knew, Benton had no valuable belongings. Benton’s home was sturdy and warm with few personal belongings – most of which she had gotten for the home – but nothing of monetary value.
    He never told her about the numerous hiding places around the cabin and woods where he stashed money, jewelry, and other valuable items, the amount of which probably made him the wealthiest man in the country, let alone the village. Benton had no real use for money, but he had skills that were in demand by wealthy people, and he wanted Nissa to have everything in this life she desired.
    Nissa looked at the lake, toward the little expanse of rocks. That was where she would often sit when Benton was out swimming and she talked to him from the shore. “It is beautiful here. I’ve always loved it.”
    She turned back to look at him, her eyes clear and guileless, a look not often possessed by women when they saw him these days. He loved Nissa, loved everything about her, from her voice that would occasionally go squeaky to her pointed features to the generous padding on her body. While he loved everything, he was aware that nothing about her was classically beautiful – save one feature. Nissa had the most stunning eyes to ever exist on a human being. They were the color of pure, bright amethyst, surrounded by thick black lashes and set under delicately arched brows. Most people never noticed them because they didn’t bother to look at her long enough, but the few who did always spoke about her eyes in wonderment.
    When one of those eyebrows arched at him, chagrin hit hard. He’d been staring like a lovestruck fool. Not quite the suave image he was trying to show her. He cleared his throat. “I’m surprised more people aren’t here to enjoy it.”
    “People don’t tend to come here often. The man who owns that cabin has made it clear he doesn’t like visitors, and people around here respect him enough to accede to his wishes.” Her voice trailed off at the end, and she once again looked away from him. She was thinking of Benton, but about what?
    “Then why are you here?” He kept his voice gentle in the hopes she would share her thoughts on Benton.
    “I’m allowed to be here. He’s my friend.”
    Her head whipped around, the “No!” tripping from her tongue before her head stopped moving. She cleared her throat and took a deep breath, affecting the same authoritative look she often had around her pupils. “Benton is a good friend of mine. He’s away at the moment.”
    “Doing what?” He wasn’t quite sure why he was pushing this. He was here as Byron, trying to win her as Byron. What good would knowing her feelings for Benton do now?
    Even if she
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