Love in the WINGS

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Book: Love in the WINGS Read Online Free PDF
Author: Delia Latham
Tags: Christian fiction
Aria an impish grin and a saucy wink. “Not my oven, but I haven’t found a thing to criticize about the ones that come out of that big old contraption in the kitchen at Angel Treats. Have you had breakfast?”
    “No, ma’am, and now I’m glad I put it off until later.” Aria slid a couple of dessert plates, forks and napkins onto the table. She set a cup of steaming coffee in front of her guest, topped off her own, and joined the older woman at the table. “These look downright sinful!”
    “Oh, they are, dear. They are!” Viv sank her fork into the one on her plate, then paused and reached for Aria’s hand. “Oops, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s pray.”
    Aria smiled. “You do the honors.”
    Viv closed her eyes. “Thank you, Lord, for good friends and good food. Amen.” She squeezed Aria’s hand and then released it. “Let’s see if these are as scrumptious as they look.”
    They were. Both women moaned in playful ecstasy over the flaky treats, and chatted comfortably for a few minutes, but all the while, Aria waited, wondering why her landlord’s wife had felt the need to bring breakfast and bright smiles to her cottage on a Saturday morning.
    She didn’t have to wait long.
    “Aria, dear, are you still working at the church and with Pia?”
    “Yes, ma’am.” Aria picked up her napkin and dabbed at a spot of stickiness on her lip. “I enjoy both jobs very much.”
    “Well, that’s good, of course. But then, you’re also the minister of music at the Tabernacle, aren’t you?” She shook her head, obviously not expecting an answer. Aria had filled that position at the church for some time, and anyone who attended The Falls Tabernacle would be aware of that. “I don’t know how you do it all.”
    “Well, I do stay busy, but I don’t have a family to worry about, so that helps.”
    “Hmm.” Viv laid her fork on her plate and tapped her napkin at the corner of her mouth. “Still, you don’t have a lot of spare time, do you, dear?”
    “No, I guess not, but—” Aria paused, and then narrowed her gaze. “Did you sweeten me up because you need me to do something? Miss Viv!” She tried to pull a frowny face, but couldn’t quite force her lips in the right direction. “Shame on you!”
    Two patches of pink bloomed in the older woman’s round face. “Oh, dear. I didn’t handle this at all well, did I?”
    Aria laughed. “I’m glad you came, even if you did have an ulterior motive. What can I do for you?”
    “Well, if you’re sure…I’m afraid I’m in over my head with this wedding, and I’m just desperate enough to stoop to anything to get all hands on deck.”
    Aria gnawed at her bottom lip. She was aware of the upcoming wedding. Two of Heart’s Haven’s tenants, Kaci James and Ryne Calvert, were getting married in the center court of the complex, and the Harts were determined to make it a heavenly event.
    Aria barely knew the couple, other than to nod and smile across the sanctuary at church—or here in the Haven. With the thought, she suddenly felt a bit sheepish…why didn’t she know them? They were her neighbors. They were her church family. Had she withdrawn herself so completely that she existed as an island in the midst of a sea of people?
    She tuned back in to Viv’s chatter. “You don’t have to, of course, dear. I’ll think of something else if you don’t have time.”
    Aria shook her head, feeling dazed and confused. “I must have zoned out for a moment. What was it you needed me to do?”
    A little line appeared between Viv’s eyebrows. “Are you all right, dear?”
    “I’m fine.” She managed a light laugh. “This coffee just hasn’t quite hit my bloodstream yet.”
    “Well, since you have such a lovely voice, dear, I thought you might be willing to sing at the wedding? Kaci has given me free rein to coordinate the entire affair, and when I asked the girl what kind of music she likes, she just gave me one of those precious smiles and said,
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