Lone Wolfe Protector
daytime. At night, it made her want to crawl inside herself, and not come out until dawn.
    “Well.” Candi broke the awkward silence. “I think we’ve wasted enough of your time for one evening, Gary.” She turned on her heel. “Come on, Maggie. Let’s grab that coffee, hon.”
    Maggie’s gaze lingered on the man in the chair before Candi took her by the elbow and guided her quickly out the door.

    “Let me guess. You didn’t meet that guy because of car problems?” Maggie was surprised to find herself relaxing back into the overstuffed chair in the corner of the small mom-and-pop coffee shop. The soft voices of the people around them faded into the background and became a comforting hum, while a steady evening rain drizzled outside the windows.
    She took a sip of her steaming mocha, watching Candi over the rim of the mug. The other woman leaned back, seemingly oblivious to the looks she received from the men in the room. In the dim light, she really was breathtaking. Comfortable in her own skin, she exuded sensuality.
    Smiling, Candi took a sip of coffee, before setting it on the table beside her. “Would you believe I have a past?”
    “That just means you’re interesting.”
    “Well, that’s a nice way to put it, I guess.”
    “What kind of past?” Maggie asked, liking how it felt to be drinking coffee in a warm room with rain coming down outside.
    “Wolfe Creek is a small town, but it’s not that small. There used to be a strip club out by the freeway.”
    “Yeah.” Candi hesitated for a second before continuing. “I used to be an exotic dancer.”
    “It was right out of high school and was an easy way to pay the bills.” She shrugged. “It was hard at first, but you get used to it.”
    Maggie blew on her coffee, not sure what to say.
    “Turns out I was pretty good. Paid the bills and then some.”
    “How long did you do it?”
    “I’d love to say I had a sudden attack of morality, but I danced there until they closed the place down a few years ago. Been waitressing ever since. I have a little nest egg, though. Put away for a rainy day. So at least I have something to show for it.” She sighed. “Do you think I’m a horrible person now?”
    “Of course not,” Maggie said, and meant it. Surprised, since her strict Catholic upbringing didn’t exactly condone topless dancing. But she and religion had recently had a parting of ways. She was angry at everyone for Aimee’s disappearance. Including God. “I don’t think you’re horrible. It must have taken a lot of courage to do what you did. I admire that.”
    Candi reached out and patted Maggie’s leg, a gesture that made her stiffen, but the other woman didn’t seem to notice. “I appreciate that, hon. It was an experience all right, but I wouldn’t change any of it. I’ve watched a lot of Oprah in my twenty-eight years, and she’d say it made me who I am. And that’s true.”
    “It must be hard with creeps like that Gary guy never leaving you alone about it.”
    “Oh, he’s a creep all right. But harmless. Gary Pruit can’t get a woody without the help of about three Viagra. That’s a well-known fact.”
    They laughed, and a few more people trickled out the door, leaving them alone except for the barista behind the counter. Outside, the wind picked up and the pines swayed like prickly giants who’d had too much to drink.
    Silence settled between them, but it was a comfortable one. They sipped their coffee and listened to the rain patter against the window. After a few minutes, Maggie leaned forward, curious.
    “I have to ask…you’ve lived here your whole life,” she said. “What do you think of this town? What do you think of the people who live here?”
    Candi smiled, her eyes sharp and knowing. She was no dummy. “You mean, do I know anyone who could have snatched your friend?”
    “Not exactly. Well…yes. I guess.”
    “That’s hard to say. I watch the news. I know how these things
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