Lone Wolfe Protector
to Maggie, and back again, as if they were going to steal something.
    “Gary, you’ve got to fix that damn bumper. It keeps rubbing up against my front tire.”
    “Well, we can’t have that, sugar.” He smiled, residual tobacco juice glistening on his lower lip. “I told you I could pop it out. But it’s gonna run ya.”
    Candi dug a pack of gum from her purse. Popping a piece into her mouth, she grimaced.
    “Yeah, I know,” she said around the pink wad. “How much is it gonna run me?”
    “Couldn’t do it for less than three hundred.”
    “ What? You know I can’t afford three hundred.”
    “Might be closer to four.”
    “You can take it down the mountain. But there ain’t no way they’re fixing it for less, I guarantee you that.” His gaze shifted toward Maggie, and he spit another brown stream. “But I’ll tell you what.”
    Candi glanced back at her and rolled her eyes. “What,” she said, facing Gary again.
    “I’m having a poker game at my place next weekend. I’d do it for two, if you give us a private show.”
    Candi’s curvaceous back straightened. “I don’t do that anymore, Gary. You know that.” Her voice dripped ice cubes. “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll live with the damn dent.”
    Gary sneered at Maggie. As if she were the reason Candi had stopped doing whatever it was she used to do. “Who’s this?”
    “This is Maggie. She’s from Portland. Maggie, this is Gary Pruit, the only mechanic in town.”
    Maggie nodded. “Nice to meet you.” She didn’t think she’d ever spoken such an outright lie. The guy made her want to bathe in lye soap, and made her more uncomfortable by the second.
    “Pleasure’s all mine,” he said. “Outta town, huh? What brings you here all the way from Portland?”
    Candi shot her a look. But Maggie knew he’d find out on his own soon enough.
    “Just visiting. I’m interested in Wolfe Creek. I’m a writer.” Where the hell did that come from?
    “Writing a book? What kind of book?”
    “Not a book. I’m a copywriter. But I am interested in the town. Maybe someday I’ll write something for your tourism bureau.” This was rich. The last thing she needed was for anyone to think she’d be writing an exposé about this place, and whether or not there was a murderer living in its midst. But she needed a solid reason to be poking around other than Aimee, and it’d just popped out.
    He spit another stream of juice. “ What tourism bureau?”
    “This town is full of history, Mr. Pruit. The Inn itself is no exception. I know there have been several famous visitors over the years, presidents, actors, and I also know people come here just to stay in those rooms. That’s interesting, I think. To most people. And there’s a county-wide tourism bureau, as well as a state one.”
    “Huh,” he said, skeptically. Candi just stood there with her mouth open. Maggie hadn’t mentioned anything before about doing any research for writing. Of course, that’s because there hadn’t been any research. At least not for writing. Maggie painted a smile on, fake though it was.
    “I thought you’d be more interested in our legend over that old hotel.”
    Candi unwrapped another piece of gum. “Christ. She just got here, Gary. She’s going to think this town is full of nut jobs.”
    Too late, Maggie thought.
    Gary Pruit considered that for moment, spit another stream of dark brown juice, and leaned forward in his chair. “She’s gonna find out sooner or later.”
    Maggie stiffened. “Find out what?”
    Candi chewed her gum, managing to look seductive in the process. “Don’t pay any attention to him,” she said, popping a small bubble. “It’s just a bunch of bologna. An urban legend or some such nonsense, made up by bored, ignorant locals.”
    The temperature in the garage seemed to drop a notch. Dark clouds had rolled in, pregnant with rain, and the light changed fast. Maggie didn’t like Wolfe Creek in the
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