off as an uptight business man but he was straight from the street and had no problems putting Tammy in her place. The front door opened and Miles was greeted with a barrage of four letter words from Tammy. “Miles I understand what you do and I respect your line of work but I need you to respect mine. How dare you bring her to our spot and on top of that lie to me about even going there. What if I wasn’t there tonight were you just gonna fucking lie to me and let me read about it on some bullshit ass gossip site? I thought we were better than that Miles. Don’t I deserve better than that?” Tammy blasted off at Miles careful with her choice of words yet stern enough to get her point across. Shit she was proud of herself drop a bomb on that! Okay! Miles had to admit that he did feel some way about lying to Tam. Ever since she decided to have an abortion Miles felt he owed her something. But she wasn’t going to deter Miles from living his secret life and doing him. What the hell did she think this was? Miles ran a tight ship and he’d be damned if some hood turned bourgeoisie one night wonder came in and ran his shit! He looked at Tammy. “Look I didn’t come here for this I’ve had a long night of negotiations and contract signing and I’m in no shape to argue with you I can go home and have peace and quiet but instead I came here to spend time with you, because I love you and I enjoy spending my time with you, and while I owe you no explanations for my actions I’ll have you know I changed the meeting from Nello’s to Buddakan because I didn’t want Paris to be bombarded with press just yet before she has meet with her publicist.” Miles stated as he went into the bathroom to take a shower slamming the door behind him. He was pissed that Tammy had the nerve to step to him he would cut her ass off real quick. Tammy felt so stupid; once again she assumed and made an ass of herself. Her girlfriends had her mind twisted she really needed to make things right, this was exactly why Miles hadn’t committed to her yet, she was still making immature moves and that was something she had to put in check. Miles blackberry vibrated on the nightstand and awoke him from his sleep. He struggled to catch it before Tammy woke up he didn’t feel like hearing her damn mouth again. As he opened the message he was floored by what he saw. On the front page of was a picture of him and Paris exchanging a kiss. Who and how the hell did they get this? Miles thought. For the first time in his life Miles Crawford was speechless.
Chapter 4
Flashing Lights
Paris was wakened by back to back calls from her personal cell phone and the company blackberry that was given to her. She couldn’t pick up both so she went for her personal cell first. She was surprised to see it was Sean. “Hey you, I was just thinking about you and how things left off between us, I’m so glad you called how you been?” Paris asked relieved that Sean still thought enough to call her. “I’m well but obviously not as well off as you, seeing as your Miles Crawford’s new side piece. I thought you industry girls didn’t kiss and tell.” Sean said with irritation all through his voice. “Kiss and tell, what are you talking about Sean and what’s with all the aggression?” Paris asked aggravated by the little game Sean was trying to play. “So I guess you haven’t seen the picture of you and Miles plastered all over the internet?” Sean asked. “What the fuck are you talking about, what picture of me and Miles. If this is about us going out yes, we went out last night to discuss some business and sign off on some contracts but that’s it. You should be more careful about what you read and the validity of your sources Sean. I thought we were better than that.” Paris said hopefully setting him straight, it was just like Sean to jump to conclusions and not even ask her about what was going on. He probably just saw a picture of them
Harvey G. Phillips, H. Paul Honsinger