Laggan Lard Butts

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Book: Laggan Lard Butts Read Online Free PDF
Author: Eric Walters
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secret to selling something is to get everybody talking about it.”
    â€œBut we’re not selling anything,” I argued.
    â€œYes we are. We’re selling a name.”
    â€œAnd the only way to get people to buy that name is for everybody to see and hear it everywhere. We have to make banners and posters and—”
    He stopped mid-sentence and we all skidded to a stop. There on the wall was a poster. In big bold letters it read,
Leap forward and vote for the Laggan Leopards
    â€œI think somebody else checked out the Internet last night,” I said.
    â€œI think somebody named Sarah,” Tanner said, “at least judging from the art work on that poster.” There was a beautifully drawn picture of a leopard leaping through the air. Sarah wasn’t just the student president, she wasn’t just really smart, she was also the best artist in the school. She was really annoying.“What do we draw on our posters?” Taylor asked.
    â€œThat’s a problem. It’s isn’t like we can draw a really fat—”
    â€œShouldn’t you boys be getting to class?” We spun around. It was Mr. McGregor. He didn’t look too happy...then again, did he ever really look happy?
    â€œInteresting announcements this morning,” he said, cutting off my thought.
    â€œWe try to do a good job,” Tanner said. “By the way, your thought of the day was one of your best.”
    â€œReally got me thinking,” Taylor agreed. Mr. McGregor looked even less happy. “Would one of you like to explain that last part of the announcements?”
    Tanner and Taylor looked at each other as if they had no idea what he was talking about. I wondered if they were trying to make me explain. I wasn’t that stupid.
    â€œOh, do you mean the ‘Go, Lard Butts’ part?” Tanner asked, trying to sound innocent.
    Mr. McGregor nodded sternly.
    â€œI guess that was a little out of line, but we’re just so excited about the contest you gave permission know, renaming the school teams.”
    â€œYou want to call the school team the Lard Butts?” he asked in shock.
    â€œThat’s one of the nominated names,” Tanner said. “Not quite as catchy as Leopards, is it?” he said pointing at the poster. “Leap forward and vote for the Laggan Leopards,” he said. “That is one catchy slogan.”
    I knew what they were doing. They were trying to distract him. They were very good at that.
    â€œProbably the winning slogan,” Taylor added. “Can’t see any other winning.”
    â€œI don’t know,” Tanner said. “The Laggan Dragons is pretty good too, but I have to wait to hear their slogan.”
    â€œProbably something about catch fire for the Laggan Dragons, you know because of fire-breathing dragons. It’s even medieval like the Lairds so it sort of has tradition on its side.”
    â€œWho, may I dare ask, suggested the nameLard Butts?” Mr. McGregor asked. So much for distraction.
    â€œOriginally?” Tanner asked.
    â€œWell, I’m not really sure, I wasn’t there. It was somebody from another school. Do you remember who it was, Sam?” Taylor asked.
    â€œYeah, well it was you who he said it to.”
    â€œUm, the point guard, the backup point guard, for Maple Ridge, number four, but I don’t know his name.”
    â€œAnd I imagine it was you who then suggested it for the school team name,” Mr. McGregor said.
    â€œNo, not me!” I said, holding up my hands.
    â€œThen who?” he asked, his gaze shifting back and forth between the twins.
    â€œI think it was me,” Tanner said.
    â€œIt might have been me,” Taylor said. “It’s funny, even we get confused which one of us is which.”
    I burst out laughing, but Mr. McGregor’s fierce look burned that out really quickly.
    â€œDo you boys really
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