The Last to Die

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Book: The Last to Die Read Online Free PDF
Author: Beverly Barton
to-ward a bo-oth in the back. 'Jo-in me for bre-ak-fast?"
    "Coffee, may-be."
    By the ti-me they slid in-to op-po-si-te si-des of the bo-oth, Tif-fany ap-pe-ared with a cof-fe-epot.
    Af-ter she po-ured the-ir cups full and to-ok Jacob's bre-ak-fast or-der, she he-aded to-ward the kit-c-hen.
    "Want to tell me abo-ut it?" Jacob as-ked.
    "About what?"
    "I saw Jamie Up-ton's Mer-ce-des par-ked in front of Jaz-zy's Jo-int in the mid-dle of the night, af-ter the pla-ce had clo-sed."
    "I tho-ught you we-re fi-nis-hed with him."
    Jazzy for-ced a smi-le. "Why co-uldn't you and I ha-ve fal-len in lo-ve? It wo-uld ha-ve ma-de my li-fe so much sim-p-ler. And so much bet-ter."
    "I know it's no-ne of my bu-si-ness, but… did you let him spend the night?"
    "You're rig-ht-it's no-ne of yo-ur bu-si-ness. But no, he sta-yed two ho-urs and left I ha-ve no do-ubt that he fo-und so-me-body to so-ot-he his di-sap-po-in-t-ment."
    "Maybe he went ho-me to his fi-an-c-ée. He is get-ting mar-ri-ed in a few we-eks, isn't he?" Jacob lif-ted his cup to his lips.
    "That's what they say."
    After ta-king se-ve-ral swigs, he set the cup down. "Genny cal-led me right be-fo-re I left the ho-use.
    I fi-gu-re she'll be get-ting in to-uch with you to-day."
    "Is so-met-hing wrong?"
    "She had a vi-si-on be-fo-re day-b-re-ak this mor-ning."
    A shud-der rip-pled up Jaz-zy's spi-ne. "She hasn't had a vi-si-on sin-ce… was it abo-ut-"
    "It was abo-ut Jamie."
    "She saw so-me-one kill Jamie. She be-li-eves it's a pre-mo-ni-ti-on."
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    "Who-who did she see kill Jamie? Was it me?"
    Jacob re-ac-hed ac-ross the tab-le and to-ok Jaz-zy's hand in his. "Are you plan-ning on kil-ling Jamie?"
    She jer-ked her hand away. "No, of co-ur-se not, but we both know I pul-led a gun on him a few months ago. And we both know that, un-der the right cir-cum-s-tan-ces, I might sho-ot him."
    ''Talk to Genny. Let her do a re-ading. She do-esn't think you'll kill Jamie, but she be-li-eves that his de-ath will cre-ate tro-ub-le for you."
    "Why do-esn't that sur-p-ri-se me? All Jamie Up-ton has ever be-en to me is tro-ub-le. Ap-pa-rently he's tro-ub-le for me ali-ve or de-ad."
    "Stay away from him," Jacob ad-vi-sed. "And I'll ma-ke su-re he stays away from you. I'll tell Ca-leb to ke-ep an eye out for you and call me at the first sign of-"
    "You think Genny's pre-mo-ni-ti-on is go-ing to co-me true, don't you? And you're af-ra-id she might be wrong and I'll be the one to kill Jamie."
    When she lo-oked in-to Jacob's moss gre-en eyes, she saw the truth be-fo-re he rep-li-ed, "Bet-ter sa-fe than sorry. No use ta-king any un-ne-ces-sary risks."

Chapter 2
    Erin Mer-cer cur-sed softly un-der her bre-ath as she he-aded for the front do-or of her ca-bin. What the hell was Jim's gran-d-son do-ing knoc-king on her do-or? She tho-ught she had ma-de it per-fectly cle-ar the last ti-me he'd shown up-unan-no-un-ced and un-wel-co-me-that she wasn't bu-ying what he was sel-ling. As far as she was con-cer-ned, he was a wor-ri-so-me brat so-me-one sho-uld ha-ve dis-cip-li-ned ye-ars ago. Be-fo-re she re-ac-hed for the do-or-k-nob, she pa-used long eno-ugh to fas-ten the top two but-tons on her blo-use. No use gi-ving Jamie an ex-cu-se to ac-cu-se her of trying to lo-ok sexy for him. Stu-pid boy. As if she'd ever be in-te-res-ted in so-me-one as self-cen-te-red and im-ma-tu-re as he, even with his un-de-ni-ab-le yo-uth and go-od lo-oks. Too many wo-men had fal-len for the flashy ex-te-ri-or be-fo-re dis-co-ve-ring the ug-li-ness of the in-te-ri-or man. She'd known his type and, when she'd be-en yo-un-ger and fo-olish, she'd gi-ven her he-art to so-me-one a gre-at de-al li-ke Jamie Up-ton.
    If any ot-her man sto-od out-si-de her do-or this morn ing, she wo-uld ta-ke the ti-me to check her ap-pe-aran-ce in the mir-ror, may-be even dab on a lit-tle blush and lip-s-tick. Af-ter all, even tho-ugh she was fifty, she to-ok pri-de
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