Kisses for the Billionaire: Final Kiss
    “You’re trying to do too much, you don’t want to have a relapse, it’s not going to do you any good if you end up back in hospital because you decided you were too macho to have a few days off.” I scolded him, it seemed like the only viable route to go in, if he wasn’t going to listen to me when I was nice about it, perhaps he would take notice of me if I was more stern.
    “What’s going on in there anyway?” he said changing the subject.
    “Don’t try and get away from this, Marcus, I want you to rest…”
    He smiled and dropped his gaze to the floor, “you know its been a long time since I had anyone care about me in the same way you do. It’s kind of nice.”
    “Well it’d be even nicer if you’d take notice of what I’m saying,” I said before letting out a long sigh.
    “Fine, I’ll rest as soon as you tell me what’s going on, everyone is jumpier than a sinking ship full of rats.”
    “One of David’s cousin’s is here,” I said.
    Marcus’ expression shifted from one of pure curiosity to being suddenly completely closed off and unreadable.
    “You knew didn’t you?”
    “Knew what?” he asked, but his coyness was nothing more than an act.
    “All everyone does around here is lie to me and I’m tired of it. Why won’t any of you just be honest!”
    “Carrie, this isn’t my secret to tell.”
    “If you’re referring to the fact that Killian is the one David planned on killing to get rid of the Banks then I already know, he told me.”
    “I’m glad someone around here is willing to tell the truth.”
    I jerked my head up, colour flooding into my cheeks as I stared up into the face of a stranger standing framed in David’s office doorway. His blue eyes watched me with a coldness normally reserved for mortal enemies.
    “Killian, please, leave my wife out of this. It’s between you and me,” David interjected, shoving out past the broad shouldered man in the door and into the foyer.
    “Leave her out of it? She’s the reason I nearly died, I don’t think I can leave her out of it.”
    “I think I’ll go and rest now,” Marcus said quietly before climbing to his feet and hobbling towards the stairs.
    I stared at the stranger David had called Killian, there was something about him that was familiar but then it made perfect sense. Of course he would look familiar, he was after all David’s cousin.
    David crossed the floor to where Killian stood and jabbed his finger in against the other man’s chest.
    “You will leave her out of it or I’ll see to it that everything you’ve worked for is reduced to nothing but ash.”
    “Are you threatening me, David?” Killian asked, his voice had gone dangerously low.
    Pushing onto my feet, I crossed the foyer and placed myself between the two men, pressing my hand against David’s chest as I forced him to take a step back or crush me against his cousin.
    “Cut it out, both of you. You’re behaving like children,” I said.
    “Children? The only child here is the one you almost lost when you were out playing spy at Taylor Banks house.” Killian’s words cut me to the core but I forced myself to swallow back the bitterness that crawled up the back of my throat.
    It was one thing for me to think those kinds of thoughts. I’d even expected it of David but he hadn’t blamed me for any of it. But I wasn’t about to let a stranger come into my house and berate me for the actions I’d taken to protect those I loved.
    Turning on him, I pulled myself up to my full height and stared him straight in the eye. His lips were crooked in a cruel smile as I stared him down and took a threatening step forward.
    “Just who the hell do you think you are, coming into my house and throwing your weight around as though you know what you’re talking about. If David was anything like your father or even his own, then he would have killed you instead of trying to find another way to settle the issue with the Banks.”
    The smile on Killian’s
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