Kisses for the Billionaire: Final Kiss
bedroom wrapped in a towel. The only way I was going to get to the bottom of any of it was by getting dressed and going to confront this Killian once and for all.
    There was clearly a connection between him and the missing Melissa and I was done with staying in the dark. I wanted answers and I would have them, come hell or high bloody water.

    D escending the stairs , I gripped the banister and strained to listen to the quiet hum of voices in the office. David wasn’t shouting, in fact nobody was shouting and that surprised me more than anything else.
    If this was the man David had threatened to kill then why wasn’t anyone upset?
    Crossing the foyer one of Aaron’s bodyguards blocked the door, his arms that were thick enough to give the branches of any tree a run for its money were crossed across his barrel shaped chest. Approaching him he eyed me up carefully before finally shaking his head before I even had the opportunity to open my mouth.
    “I’m going into that office,” I said, pausing and planting my hands firmly on my hips.
    “Bosses orders, no one goes in,” he said, his voice gruff and gravelly.
    “Well, I don’t work for your boss and this is my house, so kindly get out of my way,” I said, the irritation in my voice as plain as I could make it.
    I was tired of playing games, if David or Aaron thought they could keep me out of it by locking me out of a room in my own house then they were sorely mistaken.
    “Grant, let her in.” The voice piped up from somewhere behind me and it was a voice I would have recognised anywhere.
    Swinging around my gaze came to rest on Marcus as he hobbled across the floor towards me. His right arm was in a sling across his chest and I could tell from the way his upper body seemed to be bulked out beneath his clothes that he was clearly wrapped up tight with bandages.
    “What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were taking it easy in the hospital,” I said, crossing the foyer to wrap my arms around him.
    It was the most amount of contact I’d ever had with Marcus but considering all the time we’d spent together over the months and his connections to Stuart he was beginning to feel more and more like family.
    Watching him get shot and writhe on the floor… It wasn’t something I was going to forget in a hurry. It wasn’t something I could or even wanted to forget. Marcus was hurt because of me, because of my stupid and reckless actions. If I’d stayed at home and…
    I cut off my own thoughts and simply squeezed Marcus into a bear hug. He wrapped his free arm around me and a short chuckle that quickly became a coughing wheeze of pain erupted from him.
    “Carrie, I don’t know how you’re going to forgive me for screwing up so royally,” he said, through his cough as I slowly released him.
    “You screwed up? Don’t you mean me? I was the one who insisted we go to the Sovereign Club, it was me who put you all in danger… It was me who…” I trailed off and dropped my gaze to the floor as I propped Marcus up.
    He swayed unsteadily on his feet and I planted myself a little more firmly against the marble tile floor. The last thing either of us needed was to sprawl out on the ground.
    “You need to sit and rest, what are you even doing on your feet? I thought you were still recuperating in the hospital, Marcus, you were really hurt…”
    He laughed again and hobbled towards the chaise lounge in the corner of the hall. I helped him to sit on it, grateful to not be holding his full weight any longer. That was simply an accident waiting to happen.
    “Nah, I’m not so bad, the faster I can get back on my feet the better for everyone. The last thing I want to be doing is lying on my butt all day in bed. I don’t make a particularly good patient.” He smiled at me but I could see the slight wincing around his eyes as he sucked in a deep breath.
    Clearly he was in a lot of pain but how was I going to persuade him to do what was right and take it
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