Instant Orgasm: Excitement at First Touch

Instant Orgasm: Excitement at First Touch Read Online Free PDF

Book: Instant Orgasm: Excitement at First Touch Read Online Free PDF
Author: steve bodansky
Surviving in our world requires us to focus on different priorities at different times. We cannot sit around 24/7 getting off, being totally addicted to pleasure. We have other things to do. When a saber-
toothed tiger was chasing our ancestors around the jungle it would not have been in their best interest to place all of their attention on orgasmic pleasures. When we are pounding a nail with a hammer it is best to focus on that nail— not on getting nailed. As the Bible says, there is a time and place for every- thing. The time and place for pleasure is whenever you want it and wherever it is in your best interest to have it.
Our puritanical heritage and religious conditioning, whether Christian or other, are largely responsible for keeping us from realizing that pleasure is an important part of life that is readily available and will not ruin our moral character. We are walking around with these glorious bodies and fantastically creative minds, and yet there is a culturally implanted V-chip that somehow prevents us from receiving the pleasure channel that is being sent to us at no charge from Mother Nature herself.
So the question becomes, how do we plug into that orgasmic channel? The answer, as you may have guessed, is by placing our attention on it. When our attention is on the pleasure of our genitals—on the wonderful sensations that titillate our largest organs, that is, our skin and our brains—when we can lower our defensive shields and raise our pleasure-sensing antennae, we will feel unadulterated pleasure. Likewise, when our attention is on the wrongness of pleasure or on the sinfulness of orgasmic bliss, we fail to feel the pleasure that is readily available to all of us in our natural state.
Our teacher, Dr. Vic Baranco, used to say that the whole world is in orgasm and all you have to do is plug into it. That sounds easy, yet it is an oversimpli- fication, as there is no outlet like there is for plugging in your toaster. We have to intentionally create our connection with the cosmic orgasm by placing our focus on our pleasure centers and on not becoming distracted by judging our- selves based on how we compare or how we think we should feel. We cannot be pissed off at our partners and still have enough space in our consciousness for great fun. We are limited beings in that we can only confront and be aware of a small part of our universe at one time. It is either pleasure or something else, and our society gives us plenty of reasons why it is best to focus on some- thing else.
So one of the first steps on this blissful journey is to realize that we have been brainwashed not to feel as much as we can—that we have been taught
to avoid experiencing orgasmic sensations from birth onward. It is also im- portant to realize that there is hope that we can experience this ecstasy, which Vera and I believe is every human’s birthright. Our bodies can and do work wonderfully, given just a little mental adjustment and a little practice to re- store what has lain dormant due to negative cultural conditioning from par- ents, peers, clergy, teachers, and others.
When a person realizes that they can feel ecstasy whenever they feel like it—that to achieve an orgasm they do not need to be in some ideal setting, or to wait for the perfect time, or to be inebriated—they are freed and their minds are opened.
This blissful journey is not a difficult one; it is a continually fascinating and creative passage with no destination, as such. It is ongoing, and it be- comes part of who we are. This does not mean that we cannot or will not at- tempt other endeavors or that we will become so addicted to pleasure that we forget the rest of our lives. No—in fact, tuning in to pleasure will expand one’s creativity in all aspects of being. It is a form of enlightenment, and as the Zen Buddhists say, “Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water; after en- lightenment, chop wood and carry water.” Those daily tasks will just
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